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10 Alternative Ways To Say ‘I Love You’

10 Alternative Ways To Say ‘I Love You’

Saying- or being told -those precious three words is always special. They come as a present from your loved one, and they unite you both in love. However, expressing your feelings is never easy: you can either feel self-conscious or it is your first time, or you are just very serious about who you say ‘I love you’ to – if you say it, you mean it 100% – or you are an original that thinks out of the box. Fair enough. We understand you perfectly!  Read this article and discover alternative ways to say ‘I love you’.

1. Write a poem

Be a hopeless romantic and write a beautiful poem! Poems are always personal and quite intense, and this is why it is such a good idea – they are unique. Express your feelings with metaphors and lovely images. They will be impressed. Romance guaranteed!

2. Leave Little notes

Leave small messages for him/her to see. Say how handsome he is, write down a detail that makes you go crazy… Little gestures have always the biggest impacts. Make every day count!


3. Message box/letter

Take a box (or just an envelope) and write down on a piece of paper how you feel at this precise moment (It is funnier if you are two to do that). Agree on a time period – let’s say 2 weeks- and open it during a romantic dinner date. Voila!

4. Surprise

Surprise your other half by booking a last minute weekend or by doing a fun activity together : motor biking. Show that you are spontaneous and that you can be the master of improvisation! A little bit of novelty helps to keep the spark alive or to ignite it.

5. Kiss

The way you kiss is quite telling – don’t think that your other half won’t feel it! Be more passionate and more tactile. Love is not only an idea, a feeling, it should be physical, overwhelming and completely uncontrollable.


6. Look him/her intensely in the eyes

This is a very well-known way of saying ‘I love you’ without actually pronouncing the words. People say that the eyes are the door to your soul – by the eyes you can determine whether somebody is lying or not. Look your favourite person in the eyes and him/her understand that you love him/her.

7. Breakfast in bed

The simplest gestures are sometimes the best. Preparing a delicious breakfast in bed is a sign that you care – you don’t do this everyday to anyone, right? Take care of the person you adore.

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8. Be a bit jealous

Demonstrating a little bit of jealousy is always flattering to your partner – not too much though as everybody likes their own space. How is he supposed to know that you are afraid of losing him and want him in your life? Oh la la. Let the fire of passion burn inside of you.

9. Adopt a pet together

In the healthiest of cases, love is about commitment. Adopting a pet can be an interesting experience. To show your favourite person that you love them, by not share the responsibilities of a cat or a dog?

10. Have your own individual idea!

You know best the person you love. So, do something he/she absolutely adores: buy ice cream, invite his/her friends for a night out, go to the movies. Sometimes the best way of saying ‘I love you’  is just being yourself. Trust them and make them trust you because without trust there is no love.


How Would You Say ‘I Love You’? Let Us Know In The Comments Section Below!

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