When you don't get the A-level grades you were expecting, it can be w wirlwind of emotions. Here are all the emotions you go through in this situation!
8 Emotions When You Don’t Get The A-Level Grades You Hoped For

If you’re a college student (or I should say were) you’ve just got back your…

There's so many things foreigners find weird about Russia, and it's about time we talk about it. Russia has a very different culture, here's what there is to know.
10 Things That Foreigners Find Weird About Russia

Russia is a unique and quirky country that often puzzles foreign tourists. There are a…

Turning 30 comes with a lot of ups and downs, and there are a lot of mixed thoughts people ahve as they approach th big 3-0. Here are some.
11 Thoughts You Have As You’re Turning 30

A lot of people obsess over the idea of turning 30, they begin to worry…

Growing up in a small town is filled with a lot of realities that only people who gew up in a small town can relate to! These are some!
The Realities Of Growing Up In A Small Town

When I first moved away to Uni, I quickly realised that not everyone understood what…

Charity shops are places people should consider shopping at that they may not think of normally! We've put together a list of reasons why!
Why Everyone Should Shop In Charity Shops

In a time where the cost of living is rising faster than people’s wages, charity…

Generations are filled with different stereotypes, from the angry baby boomers to the plugged in millenials, there's a lot of variety. But are they true?
Are The Stereotypes About Different Generations True?

The news, the real news and the fake news, is constantly full of accusations and…

Wearing a hijab can be a bigger decision for women than some may realize. Here is what I have to say to anyone who is thinking about it.
An Open Letter To Anyone Thinking About Wearing A Hijab

To anyone thinking of wearing a hijab, The first thing I want to tell you…

When it comes to politics, we've seen a major decline in how much young people vote. Here's our analysis as to why politics have become unpopular.
Why The Younger Generation Has Turned Off Politics

If you look at past general elections and voting figures, we can see that young…

If you're saying goodbye to University, there is a lot to say bye too. Take a look at what we find to be the three hardest goodbyes.
The 3 Hardest Things About Saying Goodbye To University As A Third Year

A lot of people go to university because they feel as though they don’t know…

Unique wall prints can add a lot to your flat or home. We've put together a list of some of the best places where you can get these prints!
The Best Places To Buy Unique Wall Prints Online

Wall prints are every interior decor lover’s guilty pleasure. There is a style of wall…