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Ab Exercises That Will Guarantee Sexy Abs In Time For Summer

Ab Exercises That Will Guarantee Sexy Abs In Time For Summer

Looking to lose that left-over belly fat from winter? These ab exercises are sure to strengthen and tone your core, leaving your tummy looking flat and sexy this summer.

1.The plank method

You can’t go wrong with the plank! This exercise proves that by adopting the right attitude to your workout you’re sure to see results; stamina is the key when planking. This is a proven technique that not only strengthens your core but improves your posture. This is a yoga pose that is ideal for the person who refrains from the intensive workout, it relies solely on consistency. Dedicating as little as ten minutes of planking to your daily routine can be effective. Remember everything in moderation; give yourself time when devoting yourself to your ab exercises. Planking too much can cause injury. Yes, you might want to look sexy for summer, just think of yourself in the process.


2. Sit-ups

This exercise is perfect for the dedicated gym goer. Though slightly tedious, this is an old method that is guaranteed to get you results fast. If you don’t mind completing reps and you’re into repetitive exercises, then this is the routine for you. The best aspect of these types of ab exercises is that there is room for creativity. Your bog standard sit-ups are a thing of the past, you can mix things up by trying out routines where you pass a weighted ball between you and your gym buddy or adding crunches. This method will require patience, as the results can take a little longer to show. If you commit to the exercise and you don’t give up. You’ll soon begin to see those sexy abs.

3. High-Intensity Workout

You’re probably thinking this is an insane suggestion! Perhaps, that’s the reason behind Shaun T calling his high-intensive workout program ‘Insanity’. This exercise is perfect for the gym lover who likes to be challenged and is not easily intimidated by new exercises. It might look hard at first, though if you add some persistence, not only will you get sexy abs in time for summer, you’ll be beach body ready. This exercise speeds up your metabolism and is a combination of a variety of exercises that not only tone your abs but your entire body.  This is a faster method to achieve the result you’re looking for. Though with these types of ab exercises, you may want to read the guidelines, as they can be quite strenuous. If you have any severe medical conditions this might not be the right exercise for you.

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4. The Kettlebell Swing

Just like the high-intensity workout, kettlebells can work more than just your abs. Kettlebells are similar to dumbells, as they are weighted. The difference being, instead of having two weighted objects to hold, you’ll have one. Kettlebells are perfect if you’re looking to experiment and try new things.  These types of ab exercises can be very addictive.  They require good judgment, as carrying too much weight can cause injury. If you’re trying this workout for the first time you might want to watch some videos beforehand. Start small before you go big. If you stick to the guidelines, you’ll find yourself incorporating more ab exercises into your daily routine and you’ll feel like you’ve been doing this for years.


5. Boxing

You can’t box without working your abs, it’s almost impossible. Boxing is sure to give you deeper lasting results, as the abdominal is one of the target areas you’ll be working on. This exercise focuses on agility. The consistent movement speeds up the metabolism and you’ll find that your constantly engaging your core. It’s not the most obvious of the ab exercises for working your abdominal,  though it definitely works,  as your focusing on your strength and always bracing your arms.

Are there any ab exercises that you enjoy and want to mention? Please leave your answer in the comment section below!

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