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8 Tips To Hide A Hangover Like A Pro

8 Tips To Hide A Hangover Like A Pro

Hiding a hangover can be a difficult task, but we have some tips to help you hide your long night of drinking the next day like a pro!

Although having a few drinks (Or one too many in this case) can be fun, anyone who has drunk before has at least once experienced the awful feeling of waking up with a thumping headache, un charged phone and a sickly feeling in the pit of your stomach. In this case, you will want to fall straight back to sleep until it has gone away, but life doesn’t always allow that. So here are 8 tips on how to hide a hangover like a pro.


After a heavy night of drinking, you may not feel like eating or drinking anything. But, to kick start your day it is vital to recover your body from the night before. A McDonalds may be your favoured choice and although cheap easy and tasty it wont contribute to you feeling any better. Start off with some water, an obvious choice but rehydrating the body from the alcohol you drank will set you off on the right track. Try something simple like scrambled eggs, they are full of amino acids and will help you re fuel you for your upcoming day.


Tidying your room after a night out may sound like the last  thing to do on your to do list. But, blacked out curtains, an un-made bed, a pile of last night’s tried on outfits on the floor and your makeup bag sprawled everywhere will only remind you of last night’s chaos, as well as leaving you to feel disorganised. Start by opening your curtains and window to let in some much needed daylight and fresh air, make your bed and put everything where it should be. This will allow you to have a fresh start to your day, (as well as save you some much needed effort later)



You can not wash away the pain of a hangover I am afraid, but having a hot shower will leave you feeling clean and refreshed. Use an uplifting fruity body wash to leave yourself feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. Wash your hair also to get rid of the potential sticky hairspray and knots from your wild night before. This will set you up for a better start to your day.


If you managed to remove your makeup after your night out, congratulations. If not (probably not) you will be faced with looking at smudged mascara and glittered eye lids in your reflection in the mirror. Taking off your makeup properly if you are wearing any, or just your skin is important to make your face look fresh, clean and plump. Even if you aren’t feeling great inside, using a makeup remover such as the Clinique- Take The Day Off will utterly clean your face of dirt, oil and makeup.


After a night of drinking your skin may feel dry. Using a moisturiser and facial spritz will help your skin feel alive and re inject moisture. I like to take the award winning Mario Badescu Facial Spritz in lavender to calm the skin. If you want to go the extra mile you could use a sheet mask or eye cream for a proper pamper.

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If you wear makeup, this may feel like the last thing you want to do. However, if you have things to do or people to see it is a simple trick to hide your hangover. Using a tinted lip balm to add colour and gloss back into your lips, mascara to open your eyes and a sweep of blush to add life back into your face is all you need for a fresh faced simple look!


If you’re still thinking about your bed, this next tip may sound like the worst idea. But, going for a jog or doing some gentle yoga at home. Fresh air and gentle exercise can lead you to feel refreshed and energised to take on the day.



The first feeling of waking up and your head thumping may tempt you to phone in sick or cancel plans. However, having to come up with an excuse to your boss and maintain the reason after is a lot more effort than actually facing your work load. Especially if drunken photos are all over social media. Having motive in your day can also make you feel better as you have something to focus on, rather than lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself.

Do you have any tips to hide a hangover? Let us know in the comments below!
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