10 Trendy Internship Outfit Ideas To Beat The Heat This Summer

Dressing for an internship can be tough until you see what others in the office are wearing. However, dressing for the summer months can be challenging, especially when trying to find the balance between staying cool and looking professional. Layering and asking your supervisor for advice can be helpful, but here are a few ideas. Check out our top trendy internship outfit ideas!
Classic Black and White
Black and white outfits are a surefire way to look professional. This outfit features a white short-sleeved shirt and a thigh-length yet professional black skirt. The bag allows you to carry your essentials.
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Adjustable Sleeves
Wearing adjustable sleeves allows you to easily adjust your outfit to remain comfortable, whether you have to venture out into the heat or experience cold office temperatures. This black shirt and khakis are professional yet cute.
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Trendy Florals
Florals are the in-thing this season, and this skirt is right on trend. Layering is also a crucial aspect of keeping up with the weather and air conditioning in the office, making this outfit cute and professional yet functional.
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Professional Dress
While dresses have the potential to be a bit too raunchy or sexy, finding a short-sleeved dress can help you stay cool. Layering a dress with a jacket can add a professional touch to a dress. Just make sure the dress is a decent length so that no one can see things they’re not supposed to.
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Sheer Sleeves
Wearing long or three-quarter-length sleeves can seem like it would be too warm. This can be beaten by wearing sheer sleeves, allowing your arms to stay cool while looking cute and professional. This outfit includes jeans, which is acceptable in some offices, but be sure to judge based on your specific situation.
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Tank Tops
When done properly, tank tops can be made to look professional. They can be paired with flowy pants, skirts, cardigans, and jackets for the office look you need and the comfort you crave.
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Cold-Shoulder Tops
While this specific top is debatable for appropriateness in the office, the concept of the cold-shoulder top is the focus. The shoulders allow air to flow while having the professional look of long sleeves keep a professional edge.
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Summer Colors
“Summer colors, had me a blast.” Okay, so that’s not how the song actually goes, but wearing bright colors can help brighten up the office and keep you cool. Darker colors are known to draw in heat, while bright colors repel heat. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to wear long or short sleeves.
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Polo Shirts
This one is applicable to guys and gals. Polo shirts are a sure way to look professional. Wearing bright colors can help you show off your personality.
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Matching Suits
When in doubt (or necessity), wear a suit to the office. Ladies can opt for a skirt to help keep cool, and guys and girls can choose layers and light fabrics to keep cool. This is one of the best looks for trendy internship outfit ideas.
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Which of these trendy internship outfit ideas are you going to wear? Let us know in the comments below!
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Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Ashley is a recent graduate from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA with her Bachelor's in journalism. She love writing articles about music and Philadelphia. Ashley would love to pursue a career in journalism in New York City.