Top Ten Uplifting Songs For When You’re Feeling Super Low

Feeling down? Here are the top ten uplifting songs for when you’re feeling super low.
1. Walking On Sunshine – Katrina & The Waves
This song is the epitome of sunshine and happiness. Katrina & The Waves perfectly summarise that feeling of new love in this jumpy upbeat track. The upbeat bass and use of horns for the chorus has the ability to turn anyone’s mood around.
2. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper
This song was probably played at every birthday party you went to from the ages of nine to thirteen and combines that sense of nostalgia with an upbeat rhythm that you can’t not be happy to.
3. Dancing Queen – ABBA
Another classic, ABBA will solve all your problems every time. Although any song of ABBA Gold will put you in a great mood, this one always sticks out as the top banger, making it impossible not to dance.
4. Someday – The Strokes
The upbeat guitar riff on this song always puts me in a great mood, and the lyrics are all about taking it easy and knowing that ‘someday’ things will all work out. If you’re stressed out this is the song for you. It’s no wonder this song is used in holiday adverts all the time it’ll make you forget about all your stressful responsibilities.
5. A-Punk – Vampire Weekend
This song could not be more upbeat, the jumpy guitar and quickness of the track combined with the occasional shouty lyrics make it loads of fun and will easily change a bad mood to a good one.
6. Beautiful Day – U2
This one’s more of a euphoric track and will really make you want to get up and do something. It’s a perfect procrastination buster and totally motivating, making it a great song to set as your alarm in the morning.
7. Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations
This track is pure joy, although the lyrics are about an unfaithful and flakey lover the rhythm of this song is light-hearted and happy. It’s also got an old-timey feel to it which I love and proves that not all uplifting songs have to have happy messages behind them.
8. Groove Is In The Heart – Dee-lite
This is one of the best tracks to dance to EVER. It’s full of fun sound effects and a brilliant pause midway which then counts down into a funky beat. Disco is always a good idea if you want to feel a bit happier, although this is more of a contemporary disco track all the oldies are just as good (I’d recommend Love Come Down by Evelyn “Champagne” King). This is probably one of my favourite songs of all time just because of how much fun it is.
9. Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles
If you need a more gentle song to lift your spirits than diving straight into jumpy dance music this is the song for you. The soft guitar that starts the song will make you feel like you’re waking up in some form of paradise and as the song progresses to gain a stronger more upbeat rhythm you’ll definitely feel more and more uplifted.
10. Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen
In a way, this song uplifts itself as it starts off slow and monotone then launching into a wave of vibrant guitar and fast-paced lyrics. If you don’t drop everything to dance to this track then there’s definitely something wrong with you.