8 Tips To Increase Your Instagram Follower Count

Whether you regularly post to Instagram for fun, or you run a specialized page on fashion, food or anything else, it can be hard to gain attention among the thousands of accounts on the popular social media platform. In order for your page to grow, you’ll need to know a few tips and tricks for persuading viewers to click that follow button. Here are eight essential steps to increase your Instagram follower count and engaging your audience.
1. Interact with the community
It’s almost impossible for other users to find your page if you don’t reach out first; unless you post something incredibly mind-blowing and unique, don’t expect to go viral without establishing a relationship with your existing followers first. Commenting on others’ posts, giving compliments, and interacting with someone’s story are all things you can do to show you’re friendly and draw people’s attention to your page.
For example, if you are a new fashion account, follow a few other fashion accounts who are just starting out as well; appreciate others’ work and they will be more inclined to check out yours. This is one of the best ways to increase your Instagram follower count.
2. Start a tag list
Another effective way of keeping your audience engaged is starting a tag list for your photos. Generally, people who own similar accounts as your own will be willing to be tagged in each of your photos. Simply ask your followers if they’d like to be added, and include them in your next post.
In this way, you’ll gain some attention from the tagged users every time you post, and this extra engagement will bring your post to the top of other followers’ feeds. People will appreciate that you’re thinking of them and will opt in for some recognition of their own. You can then ask to be tagged in other users’ posts as well, increasing your chances of being noticed. You can totally use this to increase your Instagram follower count.
3. Build an aesthetic theme for your page
Most people are attracted to a polished, neat aesthetic and starting a theme may be a good way to attract new followers. For example, if you are a photography account, make sure to edit your photos so that they have similar or agreeable tones. Develop your own style and stick to it!
Plan out your feed with apps such as Planoly or Preview to make sure your pictures fit the same aesthetic. A pretty theme will always attract people who want a nice photo in their feeds every once in a while, even if they are not extremely interested in the nature of your content. You can be sure this will increase your Instagram follower count!
4. Keep on top of trends
It goes without saying that trendy songs, foods or challenges will gain your viewers’ attention. Every so often, a certain hashtag, such as #InMyFeelings, or #WhattheFluff will go viral, garnering attention on all social media platforms.
Other times, it could be a fashion trend or a viral food place; while you don’t need to copy Kim Kardashian’s look completely or travel across the country for charcoal ice cream, you can definitely use these trends to your advantage. Put together an outfit inspired by a certain music video or make your own pretty acai bowl. Be sure to add the hashtags; these will really allow your content to be seen by many more eyes.
5. Be real with your followers
There’s a common misconception that social media platforms like Instagram impose on its users: that people’s lives are seemingly perfect through the rows of square photos. However, we all know that this isn’t the case. While you want to present your best life on Instagram, it doesn’t hurt to open up to your followers sometimes. Share your passion while keeping it real at the same time. Instagram stories are definitely a good way to give your followers some insight into your personal life. Much more casual than posting, stories allow you to share snippets of yourself you wouldn’t regularly create a post for. People can interact with your stories as well, which is another benefit of them.
6. Utilize Instagram stories
I briefly touched upon this in the last tip, but stories are an essential part of Instagramming now. While they were only introduced this year, Instagram stories are being widely used and it’s no wonder they are so popular. From polls to questions to gifs, Instagram has provided users with the tools they need to increase follower interaction. Posing a question or a poll can really attract viewers who are casually clicking through to pause and answer your question. Request some feedback from your followers, or ask them if your new hair color is a Yay or Nay. You can even share your favorite answers!
7. Post regularly
This may be a no-brainer, but posting regularly and at specific times can increase your exposure. Due to Instagram’s constantly changing algorithm, viewers can easily miss your posts. Switch to a business profile to track when your followers are most active. Find a good posting time and consistently put out content at these times. If you follow a schedule, you can keep yourself accountable as well and maximize the amount of times your posts are seen.
8. Be passionate about your work
Lastly, make sure you completely enjoy your own content and you feel good sharing pictures and videos with your followers. This way, you can really carry on running your page for a long time, as opposed to losing interest and as a result, followers. If you are passionate about your work, your followers will definitely see the effort you put into your page. Don’t lose sight of why you started and take a short break if you need to. Just don’t give up; Instagram is a powerful and valuable site to share your interests, and there are many other users who will recognize and appreciate that.