Categories: College Life

10 Tips for Picking A Career Path In College

Choosing a career path in college is one of the most difficult decision we will make in our young adult lives. We take classes in High School to help us become well rounded individuals but in terms of career path we do not really know what we were meant to become. Which is why we need to do our research and think more about the things that we like so as to have a clearer idea of what career we want to choose.

There are several factors that go into picking a career path that are different for everyone. There really is not a particular guideline that should be followed because everyone has different circumstances. What complicates things is that you cannot really know who to ask for advice. It really is best to listen to your own advice so that you do what is best for you.

To help you come to a decision here are 10 tips for picking a career path in college:

1. Know what you do not like.

When you are a young adult try to have a good idea of what are the things that you do and do not like.  This should be pretty easy because we all have some sort of instinct of the things that we do not like. Whether because we think that something in particular is boring, stressful, and annoying we will be unlikely to be successful or happy doing it. For example, if I know that I get annoyed or frustrated doing tedious things I will try to stir away from it. Knowing what you do not like is a step closer to knowing what you truly love to do.

2. Reflect on what you do love to do.

Knowing what you love to do depends on understanding where you interest and mind is. Reflecting on what you love to do means to think about what brings you joy or satisfaction. What makes you content and makes you feel like you have accomplished something important? What is the one thing that you know most about? I truly believe everyone has a calling or gift. Of course, in today’s world there are reasons why we can not simply go with what we love to do. Most of the times we do not go for what we love to do for fear of not being good enough, being rejected, financial reasons, or simply lack of faith in that things will work out. But the only way to know what career path you should choose is by knowing where your heart is.

3. Have your own best interest in mind.

There may come a time where you simply do not know what career path to choose so you go ask other people for their opinions. One-hundred percent of the time whomever you are asking will base their answer on their own lived experiences so they cannot offer you an objective or honest response. Get comfortable with yourself and truly listen to yourself. Think about what you and not about what people suggest. Only you know yourself the best.

4. Be authentic always.

Think about what authenticity means and really take it in. In all reality you can become whoever you want to be. You have roles, careers, and lifestyles thrown at you from left to right by social media, people, magazines, and society. Who are you among all those people? Where do you see yourself fitting in? Where will there be space for you real you? Remember that you do not have to change who you are to try to fit into a boxed figure that is fake or unrealistic. Be you no matter how much people tell you that you are being delusional for believing that you can become someone successful. True success comes from being happy with yourself and your accomplishments in spite of all obstacles. When you stop being yourself you have already failed and just because you are not doing as good as others does not mean you have failed. It is more important to be authentic than to be successful as someone you are not.

5. Know what lifestyle you want.

Knowing what lifestyle you want really will help you narrow down your options. If you are after money and success then do your research and choose a career that will make you money. If you are materialistic and love to live comfortably then you have to go where the money is. If money is a very important part of your life because you love to spend it very generously then go for a career that pays very well. Some people simply worry about their mortgage, car, clothes, and social status and others do not. It simply a matter of knowing what lifestyle you want based on what concerns or what you value the most.

6. Go for what will give you the most and better options.

I know that entering college can be overwhelming especially when you have so much going on in your mind. When you enter college you are changing you entire life because you have a completely different lifestyle. You now are given more responsibilities, meet new people at a quicker rate, learn about different cultures, and are entered into a whole different world. In the mist of all this you have to pick a “career.” It is good to keep in mind that no one degree will give you an exact job title. For example, if you study Chemistry there are so many things you can do with that degree. You can either work in a research lab, teach, or work at a pharmacy. Pick  a degree that will give you leverage as to the type of jobs you see yourself doing.

See Also

7. Do not rush things.

Though there are moments in which you feel lost know that it is okay if you do not know what you want to do as a living just then. It feels afoul to have people around you who already know what they want to do with their lives but this isn’t something to be ashamed of. Take a step back and think about things for a while. Sometimes all that is needed is for you to take a step back because it can just be that your thought process is foggy because of stress or anxiety.

8. Take note on what sparks your interest.

Figure out what sparks your interest. Knowing what keeps your mind busy is important because you need to have a strong enough interest in your job so as to ensure that you are not absolutely miserable for the rest of your life. When you find something interesting you will strive in it because you are putting your love, dedication, and effort into it.

9. Think of the future.

Where and how would you like to see yourself in the future. Think about the things you will like to have  accomplished by then.

10. Be ambitious.

The sky is your limit. Be ambitious to step out of your comfort zone and discover your true potential. If you never try you will never know. Set high standards for yourself and do not be afraid of failure. If you are interested and wished to have an ambitious career like becoming a CEO or having your own business go for it. Do not stir away from the job of your dreams because of fear.

Choosing a career path in College will be the most fundamental choice of your academic future. Follow these tips so that you make the best decision!

Feature Image Source:
Esmeralda Medina

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