Categories: Horoscopes

Tips For Entertaining Yourself During The Pandemic Based on Your Zodiac Sign

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit us all, and there is no end in sight. As we are all continuing to hunker down and quarantine, we have had to come up with creative ways to entertain ourselves. From creating Zoom dates to DIY home decor, we have come up with tips for entertaining ourselves and the best part is, these tips are based solely on our zodiac personality traits!

Aries March 21- April 19

Aries are very energetic and adventurous beings. They enjoy high mobile activities that allow for them to release energy and stay active. Staying isolated from others can be very difficult for an Aries, we recommend taking social distancing nature walks or participating in a home workout class. Participating in outdoor activities; yoga, walking, hiking, while staying at least 6 feet away, can help to channel pent up energy, STAT. 

Taurus April 20- May 20

Taurus individuals enjoy relaxing and can remain very patient during trying times. However, they can also be very sociable people making isolation very difficult. As a nature and art lover they should spend their time creating and spending some time (socially distancing) outside. Turn on your music, bust out your paints, sketchbook, or pick up that guitar that is collecting dust in the corner and create something magical. 

Gemini May 22- June 21

The witty, intelligent Gemini needs mental stimulation. Gemini’s are adaptable and versatile individuals who enjoy being in the know, they will work to understand what peaks their interests. They also enjoy activities that work with both the mind and the body. Joining a virtual book club, or an online class could allow for the Gemini to participate in activating both the mind and the body. Spending some time unwinding would be good for the soul, spending it listening to “Gemini”, by Noah Reid would not disappoint. 

Cancer June 22- July22

Cancers are calm and very loving in nature. They enjoy finding ways to show others that they care through their daily activities. Finding ways to create are a good way for Cancers to stay cool, calm, and collected during Isolation. Now would be a great time to test your skills in the kitchen. Pick up the new  “Eat, Cook, Play Dirty”cookbook by Sakara founders Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle.

Leo July 23- August 21

The fiery Leo loves to socialize. They crave social interaction and can hit stagnant moods without it. Finding ways to incorporate socializing with friends and family daily will be very important for Leo. Participating in Zoom dates, FaceTime dinners and social media will allow for Leo to continue to socialize. Coming up with playful themes for your dates will allow for your playful, witty side to come out.

Virgo August 22- September 23

Virgo, the meticulously organized, modest earth sign. Virgo’s are constantly on the move, completing task after task in order to keep everything perfect. They are in fact the perfectionist among the zodiac signs. It can be difficult for the Virgo to slow down. Take the time to find ways to relax the body, calm the mind and slow down. Try your hand at a DIY craft that you have been wanting to try, read a book or watch a lighthearted movie that will allow for you to take the break you so desperately deserve. 

Libra September 24- October 23

This romantic, creative, easy going earth sign will have plenty of time to relax and divulge in activities that they are passionate about. The Libra partner could set up a creatively themed zoom date for their loved one. Libras could also take up an arts and craft hobby, such as Needle Point art or Handicraft projects which will summon their creative side and allow them to find an activity that they are passionate about. 

Scorpio October 24-November 22

The Scorpio person is determined, passionate, and excitable. As a moody water sign, isolation is a normal activity for the Scorpio. It is essential that you stay in contact with loved ones as self isolation can become very lonely. If you are not isolating alone, Scorpios should spend some quality time with themselves. Take an online yoga class, meditate or spend some time listening to your favorite album. The Zodiac for Scorpios makes clear that this individual is a true friend, but it is essential that you take the time to care for yourself dear Scorpio, it will only benefit you in the future. 

See Also

Sagittarius November 23- December 22

The Sagittarius is a sociable, traveler by nature. The Sagittarius does not like to stay in one place long, and can have a very difficult time sequestering themselves from others. Immersing themselves in a good travel show, sports movie, hike or stroll through the neighborhood can allow for them to feel like they are participating in on-the-move activities, while remaining 6 feet away from others. 

Capricorn December 23- January 20

The Earthy Capricorn is practical, disciplined, and often enjoys a good laugh. They enjoy activities that are creative and innovative such as interior design, DIY or puzzling. Turn on a comedy special on Netflix and faux finish your interior wall, or create a jigsaw puzzle that utilizes both your time and your ambitious energy. The hours will fly by!

Aquarius January 21- February 19

The Aquarius is inventive, independent and very goal oriented. As the horoscopes most artistic sign, this is a great time to get those creative juices flowing. Try your hand at bullet journalling, macrame, or test your technological side with computer games or updating your iPhone and creating different widgets for your apps. 

Pisces February 20- March 20

This imaginative, emotional water sign could be quick to worry about the weight of the world while isolating themselves during the pandemic. This sign is also the escapist among the horoscopes. Carve time out each week to escape from self isolation. Take a brisk walk or go for a hike. This will allow for you to relax your mind and alleviate the feeling of being stuck that you may be experiencing. 

As we continue to make our way through this pandemic, it is imperative that we find creative ways to keep busy and entertained. Remembering that we are all in this together, and that everyone has different ways of dealing with the situation at hand is key. Knowing how to care for yourself and the ones around you will be essential and may require some imagination. Take time to care for yourself and find activities that will continue to keep you busy and motivated. We will get through this!

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Chloe Duncan

Originally from Denver Colorado, Chloe is 27 and now living in Asheville, North Carolina with her Son. Chloe loves everything Fashion, Style, and Design. Everything from clothing to home decor!

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