Relationships can be the highlight of anyone’s college experience. It can also be the reason you didn’t do so well too. College is all about how to compromise making time for your significant other, school work, or even work. Finding the right balance of this doesn’t happen over night, I promise. But with with these tips, you might find your way through this crazy thing called love!
Let’s be honest, once college starts, having the time to sit down and have the full attention of your significant other get harder and harder. To help find the time, setting a date night which is agreed upon by both can ease the stress of never finding time for one another! Enjoy your relationships!
Don’t be that couple that is only involved with them and no one else. Making friends is the highlight of college! They’re going to last for a long time and a significant other shouldn’t change that. Yes being in relationships is great, but friendship can do the same thing.
Couples can be great friends too! You can talk to them, ask advice, find out how they get through struggles. It’s a great way to bounce idea around.
Going to a school which is out of state for the both of us may seem nerve racking, but the key to getting through that is to prepare for the time apart and understand that nine months out of the year, which is 12 months, is most of the year. Relationships are not always about being together all of the time.
College creates the opportunity to be together all the time without your parents commenting on it! But having three months of relaxation with visits every now and then help the soul. It helps the heart grow fonder and will strengthen your relationship once school starts back up again.
Having one person in relationships come up with all of the date nights and outings becomes boring and predictable. Don’t be afraid to go places you’ve never been together. Always create new memories, something to look back on and smile about. Whether it is hiking up to a picnic or bowling, small or big. You’ll have years of trying new things!
The most important thing to remember about being in relationships is making sure that no one puts school work second. You went on to higher education for a reason! The biggest point is to make sure your not dropping studying or not going to classes. If a relationship is meant to stick, then school shouldn’t change anything. Make sure both parties know that whatever happens, school is number one.
Being in a relationship shouldn’t be stressful! Act silly together, dance, ugly sing together, be spontaneous! College is the time to do things you never thought you would. Maybe you’ll go to your first baseball or hockey game together! Love having fun together. Make sure that it doesn’t get old. Find your fun together.
Celebrate each others accomplishments! There is nothing like coming home and being excited to tell a significant other about what happened at school or at work. And the look on their face when they are just as excited as you with the news!
Nothing ruins a relationship most than communication. Don’t keep your feelings to yourself. Sharing is caring in a relationship. There should never be too much or too little. At the end of the day, it’s you two against the world and both parties in the relationship should know what’s going on 100% of the time!
The best part about college is getting the chance to network and in order to network; you have to get out there and meet other people. You won’t be able to meet people without putting yourself out there and with your other half, you’ll always go great things no matter what happens!
If you’re sweating the small stuff that happens in relationships, don’t. There is nothing that ruins a relationship more than a couple who can’t let things go. It happened, there’s nothing you can do about it.
Things happen. Words get said, fights happen. Life is stressful. You should be willing to step back and understand where the other is coming from and look for a solution. The more you see the other person’s side, the better the bounce back will be after the fight.
No one wants to be in a relationship with a Negative Nelly! If you have a positive outlook on your relationship, the better the outcome will be. If you think it won’t last, chances are it probably won’t and if there is a problem, fix it before it goes too far.
Find someone to vent to. There will be times where you won’t want to go to your significant other, so finding that one person you who can help you through good or bad times is key into clearing your head. You will have some days where you need a clear head and step back from reality for a minute, but don’t forget to fill your significant other in on how you feel! Don’t make them feel left out!
It’s great to think about the present and figure out what’s going on now, but the future is just as important. Especially when in come to college! You only have four years to figure A LOT of things out and one of them is; what’s going to happen to your relationship.
It’s a tough conversation of be had for some couples, but this should be a happy time to think about moving in together, or moving in general. Four years isn’t very long and senior year pops out of no where! It’s important to stay ahead of graduation and what find out what the next chapter will hold!
True relationships come every once and a while and it’s important to know when you’ve found one because if you let it go, they might not come back. Always remind them how happy you are to have them in your life or how amazing they are. Those little reminders can carry them throughout the day.
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