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10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Live In Nike At UCF

Living in an on campus dorm is essential to the college experience. Every dorm hall is different and comes with its own quirks and routines. Here are 10 things you’ll only understand if you live in Nike at UCF!

1. Learn how to microwave!

Whenever you see a crowd full of people in the courtyard, you know it’s those Neptune kids with their stupid microwaves that will never learn how to put water in their Easy Mac.


2. It’s 3AM and you’ve just fallen asleep, when out of nowhere there goes that stupid fire alarm.

You want to stay in bed but you wanna get away from the alarm so what do you do? Grab your phone and keys and head out the door. Apparently people in Nike don’t know how to use a microwave either.


3. How convenient P.O.D. (a little food store in the community) is when you need a late night snack.

Everyone can appreciate some Ben and Gerry’s late at night.

4. The convenience of living next to the gym!

If you live anywhere on campus other than Nike, Hercules, or Neptune, you have a further walk to the gym. But Nike? Yeah, it’s a one-minute walk and you can make it there in 30 seconds if you choose to sprint.

5. How awesome it is to live right next to the pool!

And on top of that, sometimes the school throws great pool parties and they’re right next to where you live!

6. Unlike everyone else on campus, you have two basketball courts to choose from!

There’s the one in the gym and the one near Hercules parking lot.

See Also


7. That you’re far away from campus, unlike the rest of the student body.

Nike is great, but far away from classes and if you have a friend that lives in Lake Claire or Towers that’s a 20-30 minute walk.

8. You’ll never find parking in the parking lot, so just head over to the garage to park.

9. There is ALWAYS construction on Libra Drive. ALWAYS!!

10. You know that everyone else is missing out!

Is there anything else you’ll only understand if you live in Nike at UCF? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
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Laurie Jackson

Laurie Jackson is a student at the University of Central Florida (go Knights)! She is studying Elementary Education because she loves kids and want to make an impact on the community. In her spare time she blogs, shops, and spends time with her family.

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