Things You Can Do For Self-Care In Your Dorm Room

Self-care can sometimes get a bad rep for being too indulgent or an excuse to do things you shouldn’t. In reality, it’s really important to take time to relax and do things you want to do that calm you and recharge you in order to be able to accomplish everything you need to. Here are some easy things you can do in your dorm room when you need a little self-care!
Pamper Yourself
There’s a reason this is kind of the cliche self-care thing to do, and that’s because it’s really relaxing and a lot of it forces you to slow down and focus on taking time for yourself. Put on your favorite TV show or catch up on some YouTube and give yourself a facial with your favorite face mask. My favorite right now is this one from Generation Clay. You can also paint your nails, which is especially great because once they’re done you have to kind of just chill out why you wait for them to dry! Maybe the best part is you’ll still be able to see the positive effects of your face mask the next day and enjoy your fresh manicure!
Read A Book You’ve Been Meaning To Get Around To
Unfortunately there’s not a lot of down time in college, and often times we choose to watch TV instead of read because it takes less brain power. Give yourself permission to relax and unwind by reading a book that’s been on your list for a while, guilt free. There’s always something else you could be doing, but it’s important to take time for yourself to recharge and reading a book is a great way to do that!
Rent A Movie And Watch It With No Distractions
We’ve all been caught in the perpetual scroll through Netflix’s options before settling on rewatching Friends because nothing else looks good. This is a little different. Remember that movie you wanted to watch but wasn’t on any of your streaming services? Why not spoil yourself a little bit and rent that movie through Amazon or iTunes or whatever service you prefer, curl up in bed, and literally just watch the movie? No scrolling through FaceBook, no replying to texts, no playing a game on your phone and realizing you’ve missed half the plot. Just watching the movie and appreciating the cinematography and getting invested in the characters. It’ll give your brain a break and your body will thank you for just lying down for ninety minutes.
Make Yourself A Dessert In Your Microwave
Perhaps this isn’t the healthiest option, but it’s definitely self-care. You might not know that you can do this, but you can totally make dessert for yourself in your microwave! No need to walk over to the cafeteria or the convenience store. If you’re lucky enough to have a kitchen you can use in your dorm, you might take the time to really bake something for yourself, otherwise follow this simple recipe and make yourself a brownie in your microwave!
Click the photo for the recipe.
When all else fails, go back to basics. Nowadays, meditating on your own has become a lot easier for those of us who aren’t sure what we’re doing thanks to the apps that are on the market. Get comfy on your bed, turn down the lights, and turn on a guided meditation or some calming music and focus on your breathing. Taking time to just be and breathe is the perfect self-care option for someone who has a lot going on in their head because it forces you to actively dismiss those thoughts.