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20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Mizzou

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Mizzou

20 Things No One Tells You About Freshman Year At Mizzou

Adjusting to college freshman year is a balancing act. To be completely honest, summer welcome is basically a 2-day summer camp made to overwhelm you with information that isn’t half as useful as what you are about to read. These 20 things will be your guide as you begin your freshman year at Mizzou.

1. Field House is always the move.

The ultimate freshman go-to bar on the weekends. Not to mention the deals on wells and pitchers aka the gift that keeps on giving.

2. The Mizzou 22 is real.

Use the rec to your advantage and skip the toasted ravioli every once in a while. It’s a slippery slope to dad-bods and thunder thighs ladies and gents.


3. Go Greek.

Mizzou is known for their amazing Greek life and it’s a great way to meet a ton of people. Becoming a part of a fraternity or a sorority makes a big school like Mizzou feel small.


4. Everyone comes from either St. Louis, Chicago, or Kansas City.

You will probably learn that everyone is either from one of these 3 cities or comes from a state far away. By the end of your freshman year, you will be able to name about 15 different high schools and counties in St. Louis if you didn’t already know them all.


5. Two words: Dobbs Brunch.

Dobbs becomes the spot on Saturday and Sunday afternoons to cure that hangover and exchange stories of the night before. Yes, it is socially acceptable to roll into Dobbs at noon in your PJ’s or in last night’s outfit. You’ll see worse…

6. Homecoming is a holiday at Mizzou.

You will never see more alumni around campus at any other time. Go to as many events as possible during homecoming because it is so much fun. The streets of Greek town will be lined with free food during house dec’s so don’t miss out.

7. All that is pomping.

If you go to Mizzou you will hear the word pomping whether you are in Greek life of not. What is it you ask? Pomping is wrapping tissue paper around a straw or marker, licking it, then gluing it onto huge boards. It doesn’t make any more sense when you actually have to do it.


 7.  Game days will become your favorite days.

No other day will make you fall more in love with Mizzou. The endless amount of tailgate food, tiger ears, and school spirit will make you never want to miss a game day…EVER.

8. FAC will become a Friday tradition.

Friday After Class at Harpos is always packed with students. What better way to kick off the weekend than to start your night at 3 P.M.?! It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

9. The Memorial Union Starbucks line is always 20 people deep.

Plan accordingly, or you might have to head to that 8 A.M. without that coffee you oh so desperately need. Give yourself at least a half hour before your class or you will be waiting in line for what feels like forever.


10. Uber will probably make you poor.

As a freshman living on campus, you will be Ubering home from downtown probably every weekend. Take advantage of the warm weather when you can and walk home with your friends to avoid paying the surge prices. This will save you so much money.

11. If someone says MIZ, you respond with ZOU.

This is something everyone is expected to pick up on. It’s also a classic game day chant if you’re tailgating or cheering on the Tigers at Faurot Feild.

12. El Rancho > Taco Bell.

Love at first bite, El Rancho is the go to place to eat after a night out. The first time you go, you will think, why haven’t I discovered this place sooner?



13. Tennis skirts are a staple item in any girls closet.

If you go to Mizzou you most likely own a tennis skirt. They are worn to every casual occasion here, so don’t be caught without one. Side note: ladies, they are super comfortable.

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14. Don’t be shy using swipes.

Unless you’re eating 3 meals a day, you will have about 30+ extra swipes left on your dining plan towards the end of the semester. Use them up, swipe in your older friends or stock up on things that won’t go bad to get that bang for your buck. Go Oprah on those swipes.

15. Although it’s a big school, you will see your friends around campus all the time.

Mizzou is a big school but does a great job at making it feel small and connected. Walking to class you will see familiar faces and friends everywhere you go, so don’t feel intimidated because after your first month here you will be saying hi to people left and right.

16. Speakers Circle is a Zoo.

Speakers circle is where you will find food, protesters, speakers, clubs, Greek life and more all in one place at the exact same time. Some days are busier than others. Be prepared to be bombarded by the number of people trying to give you flyers or lure you to their table.


16. There is free stuff everywhere.

Speakers Circle, Lawry Mall, and the Student Center is where you can always find a table giving away free things from coffee to koozies. Who doesn’t love free things?

17. Mizzou is home to Blackhawks and Blues fans.

Since Mizzou is largely made up of kids from Chicago and St. Louis, you will not want to miss going out when these two teams play. Shiloh is always packed during hockey season to watch these two teams and their fans battle it out.

18. Don’t lose your Student ID.

Keep your ID on you at all times. You will not be able to get into the rec, your dorm, your dorm’s bathroom, or eat without it. Keep it safe- your life depends on it.


19. Ellis is the best place to study.

Don’t make the mistake of studying in your dorm room. Avoid the distractions and take advantage of the library. There are quiet rooms in the library too if you’re one who can’t stand noise while doing work.

20. Your freshman year at Mizzou will be the best year.

You won’t find a school better than Mizzou. Enjoy every minute of this year because it goes by so fast.

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