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10 Things I Wish I Knew Before University of Alabama Orientation

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before University of Alabama Orientation


Bama Bound (aka Orientation) is one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences for incoming freshmen at the University of Alabama. With a little bit of knowledge and preparation, you’ll be saying “Roll Tide” just as loud as the seniors! Keep reading for 10 things I wish I knew before Bama Bound.

1. Try to attend Bama Bound with your roommate

By the time Bama Bound rolls around you’ll know who your roommate(s) is/are. Try to attend with them! Since you’ll be staying in Ridgecrest South overnight, it gives you a feel for what their living style is and you’ll both start to go “oh someone needs to bring _____”. My roommates and I didn’t think to go together, so the first time we saw each other was during move-in.


2. Make friends with the people you’re around

Talk to people! Whether you’re sitting next to them, registering next to them, or sleeping in the same dorm, talk to everyone! I stayed to myself during my Bama Bound, but I know so many people who met really good friends at their Bama Bound that they still talk to today!

3. Your Avantis want to help you


I was super scared to talk to my Avanti (orientation leaders) during my Bama Bound. However, they are students just like you, and they have a lot of knowledge that they’ve learned in training and in just being a student on campus. If you want to know if you can make it from Morgan Hall to North Lawn in 15 minutes, ask them!

4. Come prepared with a bag of tricks.

You’ll definitely need a notebook and a pen/pencil to jot things down. If possible, bring your laptop. While computers are available and required during registration, if you want to look at anything ahead of time you’ll have to do it on your phone or laptop. Trust me, looking at myBama on a phone screen is not fun. University of Alabama orientation can get overwhelming.



5. Take notes. And take lots of them.

You will get a TON of information from different people. Make sure you write down the name of anyone who presents, the names of your Avantis, and important things you want to remember. I remember being overwhelmed by all the information, so come in ready to write!


6. Plan your schedule before you get to registration

Registration happens on Day 2 of Bama Bound, so you have the night between Day 1 and Day 2 to plan (as well as the whole summer before your session). Try to have an idea of what classes you need/want to take so you can register faster than everyone else. With that in mind…

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8. Take pictures in front of iconic places on campus (like Denny Chimes or Bryant-Denny)

Never again will there be so few people on campus. Take your cute photos with no one in the background! You’ll really want your Bama Bound memories, especially if you stay friends with the people you meet.

9. You might not see your parents a whole bunch


While your parents can help you move in to the dorm for the night, they have their own Parent Orientation so you won’t be with them all the time. What surprised me the most is that parents are still in their sessions on Day 2 when you’ll be registering for classes. If you have any questions or need advice, make sure to talk to them the night before and/or text them during the registration session. Your Avantis will also be available to help you as well!

10. Bama Bound gets hectic. Roll (Tide) with it

While Bama Bound is meant to be fun and informational, there is a lot of stuff packed into two days. With that in mind, be open to anywhere your Avantis might take you on campus, to the people you may meet, and how busy you’ll be. Even when you think you’ll never get a good schedule and you won’t make any friends, take a moment to think about why you chose Alabama, say a loud “Roll Tide”, and keep on moving. University of Alabama is the best so get excited!

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