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The Vegan Leather Jacket And How To Style It

The Vegan Leather Jacket And How To Style It

The Vegan Leather Jacket And How To Style It

Everything is vegan nowadays! The world is being more cautious about our animal friends more and more everyday and it’s really setting strides in humanity as a whole. Vegan leather, or pleather, is a great way to show your support for every life here on Earth and a great fashion statement.

Here are a couple places you can get pleather jackets: Here, Here, Here.

Vegan leather is easy to work with! It does not need as much care and caution as actual leather does and can be worn in all types of weather. With that being said, it can be much easier to style and get creative with, so here are some ways you can style any vegan leather/pleather jacket!


A statement on your pleather fantasy:

Vegan leather can be found in so many colours and styles it’s hard to pick just one! But like many jackets, you can find the “one” and fall in love and wear it every single day.

It’s easy to add pins, attachments and embellishments to accessorize this sort of material. Frilly lining on the collars can turn a plain pleather jacket to an event-worthy garment! Personal touches can make anything fun and memorable to wear. Add pins with your favourite bands, characters or what have you for your own flare!

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A couple outfit ideas for the vegan leather jacket:


How about a crop top, skinny jeans and pleather boots? And of course, have to top it off with a vegan leather jacket! This is a classic look for any person on the go! Any crop top will do; plain, solid coloured, print or pattern design- the list goes on! The jeans to go with it are easy to find. The style could be ripped black or high waisted jeans.  If you have ones that aren’t ripped, make them! Take some scissors and have at it! Pleather boots are a great way to compliment a pleather jacket. It stands for what you stand for and you can feel comfortable using it. Short booties or knee-length boots compliment this look so well. An added style bonus if you can find boots with straps to match. It’s actually not that hard at all! This look also looks great with darker coloured pleather jackets, it doesn’t have to be black.


With a dress or skirt, strapped heels or sandals- top it off with any colour vegan leather jacket! A dress with a pleather jacket is such a classic look. Knee length, mini, maxi, flowy or skin tight- any dress can make a pleather jacket look just as fancy as you feel in one. If a dress is a hassle to find, pairing a great top with a matching skirt can give you the same type of ambiance a dress would do for you. The jacket and skirt can be the same exact colour with similar styles or two separate pieces all together, either way, the goal is the same. Strapped heels or sandals give a consistent effect with design. It coordinates so well with a pleather jacket. Paired with a dress or a skirt complete the outfit in such a complimentary way. The heels can be low or high and the sandals can be flat or platformed. Whatever you decide can make an airy spring outfit or a comfortable autumn look!

Just like any other layer, the vegan/pleather jacket is easy to combine with outfits. There is no wrong doing! Let your creativity be your guide use other vegan clothing options or plant based garments to really make a bold move into the fashion world.

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