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The Truth About Coke

The Truth About Coke

Benzoylmethylecgonine, aka coke, is commonly snorted, inhaled or injected on college campuses. I would tell you don’t do it, it’s bad for you…but you aren’t going to listen to me when you’re already drunk, everyone else is doing it, and the idea of it seems too good to pass up. So instead, I’ll just give you the low down on the truth about coke – the good and the bad.

What exactly is it?

Coke is a powerful stimulant that gives you a high for 60-90 minutes. It affects the way the brain processes chemicals to give off feelings of pleasure. It comes from the South American coca plant and looks like a crushed white powder. The most common way to do coke is to snort it – this is the preferred way because it allows for rapid absorption.

What does it feel like?

Physically, the parts of your body (like your nose, gums, tongue, and mouth) that absorb the cocaine will become numb.

“It made my face feel numb.” – anonymous senior girl

Mentally, you experience somewhat of a euphoric feeling. Most people feel a rush of high energy, becoming extremely hyper and incredibly talkative. This makes coke a very popular drug at parties since it provides a confidence boost and a desire to socialize.

How do you get it?

Coke has become a very popular drug in the college scene as many students will do coke to keep high energy during long nights out at bars or parties. According to WebMD, “about 14% of U.S. adults have tried cocaine. One in 40 adults has used it in the past year. Young men aged 18 to 25 are the biggest cocaine users, with 8% using it in the previous 12 months.” That being said, coke is fairly accessible and easy to obtain. Chances are, you know someone who either knows a dealer or is a dealer; so the easiest way to purchase coke is to just ask around on campus. Keep in mind, though, cocaine IS illegal – so seeking it out is a risk.

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What are the side effects?

After the (short) high, the general feeling is a strong desire to do more. People can become irritable or anxious, unable to concentrate on anything but getting their hands on some more coke. Some have reported increased heart rates, chills, mood swings and depression during or after the use of coke.

Is it addictive?

Studies show that long-term use can actually lead to addiction. Since cocaine stimulates the pleasure sensors in our brains, it can trigger powerful cravings to continue using the drug. Repeated cocaine use can build your tolerance, requiring higher doses every time you use it – which can ultimately lead to dependence and addiction.

What happens if you get caught?

Many times, if you are caught doing cocaine at a bar or club, you will likely just be kicked out of the venue. A sort of “you can do what you want, but you can’t do it here,” type of situation. While this is the best case scenario of getting caught, you should keep in mind that if someone did decide to turn you in, you could be in serious trouble. Again, coke is an ILLEGAL, so depending on the amount you have in your possession, its purity and the mood the cop is in – you could be charged with a felony and face jail time.

What are your opinions on coke in college? Let us know down below!
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