Constellation piercings have started to show up everywhere and we are not complaining. This new trend is dainty as it is fashionable. If your body is a work of art, than piercings are the shiny cherries on top. Here is what you need to know about the new trend of constellation piercings.
Constellation piercings is multiple piercings in your ear, usually done at the same time. Your consultant and piercer will determine the shape and size of your ear and will arrange the piercings in a way that will highlight your ears. Ears come in all shapes and sizes, which means not all piercings and piercing arrangements looks the best on every ear. Constellation piercings thinks about multiple piercings rather than adding in one piercing at a time to your look. This piercing trend knits your piercings together so that they will look great in your ear shape. Constellation piercings is basically personalized multiple piercings.
You might be wondering why this is different then regular piercings; multiple piercings have been fashionable for a while now. Constellation piercings are really all about the thought out design in your ear and getting them at the same time. Although you can go the route of adding more piercings at different times, constellation piercings takes into consideration all the piercings and places them to your own personal ear. Just be aware than your piercer might have a maximum amount of holes they will put into your ear at a time. You might have to make more then one appointment to get your entire look.
Constellation piercings have been popping in the media and red carpet lately. Seeing these trends on gives us ideas of how different constellation piercings can look like. They don’t necessarily need to be a ton of piercings in a row (although we love the rock star look), but are thought out and looking great on some of our favorite celebrities.
If you are into piercings and have no problem with multiple in your ears you should consider constellation piercings as your next fashionable piercing trend. Constellation piercings are stylish and can be as dainty or heavily ringed as you want them to be. This style lets your personality shine through and you can change it as easily as you change your earrings. You can mix and math your metals for a boho look or commit to a theme for a well put together look. You can change this look to match your mood, your location, or simply your outfit. So grab your favorite studs and head down to your favorite local piercing studio for a brand new shiny look that you will love.
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