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The Couples Halloween Costume Ideas That Will Go Down In History

The Couples Halloween Costume Ideas That Will Go Down In History

These couples Halloween costume ideas will help you and your S.O. stand out among others at your next autumn costume party!

If you are someone who enjoys dressing up on Halloween, you are probably overflowing with joy right now. Finding a costume for yourself is an easier task than landing on the perfect couples costume but have no fear! You’re in the right place. Whether there’s a last-minute costume party or you are looking to save some dollars while resembling a famous couple other than Danny & Sandy, here are the couples Halloween costume ideas that will go down in history.

1. Imelda and Hector

Otherwise known as Mama Imelda and Papa Hector to little Miguel, this is a great couples costume because you have so many options. Want to practice your body painting skills? Go for the skeleton version from the other side. Looking to get fancy and put on your best folklorico dress? Add a Coco and you can do the picture on the ofrenda version. Be sure to have your singing voices ready when you use this couples costume on Halloween!

2. Allie and Noah

Sometimes referred to as that overrated couple from The Notebook, the versatility in their couples is often overlooked when it comes to Halloween. You can do the classic boat/rain scene outfit complete with pearls, but you also have many other options. The I‘m a bird scene, ice cream date, and when Allie first goes to see the house Noah built are all areas with era outfits that can be used as the perfect couples costume. Keep this couples costume in mind next time someone shouts What do you want!



3. Winston and Aly

New Girl is a show full of wonderful couples, but Winston and Aly are often overlooked. Although they came together in the later seasons, they still have lots of potential for a couples costume. From Winston’s bird shirts to Aly’s colorful flower outfits, there is so much to choose from! You can even choose the simply route and get matching cop costumes then add a name tag to emulate this couple. No Halloween would be complete without the best partners Winston and Aly!

4. Betty and Jughead

Affectionately referred to as Bughead by the kids, this couples costume borrows some elements of the era feel like Allie & Noah, but they also possess a lowkey element. Maybe you and your partner need a last-minute outfit but all you have is a bunch of layers, that can work to your advantage! Betty and Jughead usually have typical high school attire on so all you need is a ponytail and crown beanie to complete the look. Also look into each other’s lovingly all night long to complete this couples costume.

5. Meredith and Derek

The OTP in the Grey’s Anatomy universe, Meredith and Derek are another fitting couples costume to make sure your Halloween photos go down in history. To avoid simply looking like two doctors, I recommend a ferry boat scrub cap and a bottle of tequila in hand to make the costume authentic. This could be the perfect opportunity to put all that Grey’s dialogue you memorized to good use! This is one of our favorite couples Halloween costume ideas!


6. Jack and Rebecca

A recent addition to the sitcom couples cannon, this is the ideal couples costume if you want a challenge. Replicating the Pearson’s wedding outfits could be a fun project for the ambitious couple or you can always put on some Steelers gear and call it a day! Although memories of their Sonny and Cher outfits come to mind, consider giving this look a couples costume attempt.

7. Amy and Jonah

Although I am still waiting for season 4, I am including Amy and Jonah on this couples list. This couples costume is the lowest maintenance because all you need are blue vests! Working at Cloud 9 has its perks because everyone dresses pretty business casual, or you could both wear blue Cloud 9 shirts like Sandra and Dina. The best part is that one of you can pick a random name for your name tag since we know Amy does not use her real name at work!

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Check out these date night ideas that are perfect for any couple! They are easy, fun and you can do them wherever you are!


8. Daenerys Targaryen & Khal Drogo

Transform into this iconic Game of Thrones couple for Halloween. It’s an easy costume to DIY and it will make a huge impact!

9. Peter Pan and Wendy

It’s a classic Disney costume but it’s always super cute! The perfect couples costume with your bae.

9. Bob Ross and A Painting

Okay hear me out, what could be better than dressing up as the coolest painter and those happy little trees!? This is a costume you can get in any Halloween store or you can amp it up with your partner. Consider choosing a painting from an episode of Bob Ross and replicating it on a canvas. This will definitely make your couples costume solidify a place in history!

Hope your couples Halloween costume ideas come out great no matter who you choose! What are some couples Halloween costume ideas that you suggest? Tell us in the comments!
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