Campus Life

The 10 Best And Worst Parts Of College Dorm Life

Some people dread living in a dorm while others can’t wait for the experience. Living in a dorm is required for freshman at most Universities so be ready! The experience can be exciting and fun but also definitely has its struggles, keep reading for the 10 best and worst parts of college dorm life !

The Worst:

1. Sharing a bathroom with your whole floor.

Having to share a bathroom with 20 other girls? Not so fun. The boys also like to use the girls bathroom since its cleaner of course so get used to it. Having to pick out hair from the drains before you can shower is definitely a downside to living in a dorm with community bathrooms. Oh, and say goodbye to nice relaxing baths and cute bath-bombs. Sing in the shower at your own risk.

2. Barely surviving off the meal plan

Meal plans are required for freshman and even though theres a couple options they still suck. It makes it nearly impossible to not eat crappy food everyday and to actually be able to eat 3 full meals is pretty hard on $20 a day. Plus the Den is the only thing open past 9 that accepts meal plan so french toast is your new late night snack.

3. Not being able to cook

Not all the dorms have kitchens available for the residents and if they do then the whole building is sharing one little kitchen on the first floor. Being able to make your own food and eat something other than Panda Express for once would be nice. The microwave and top ramen are your new best friends.

4. Having to pay for laundry

Paying tuition AND paying for room and board isn’t enough? Colleges have to take your money any way they can and that includes having to pay to wash and dry your clothes. Not to mention the washers smell, ruin clothes, and are always taken. On the upside watching 18 year olds do laundry by themselves for the first time can be pretty entertaining.

5. Sharing a room

Sharing a room and becoming besties with your roommate is great until their alarm goes off at 6 am for that 8 am class. Its like they’re purposely making as much noise as possible while your still sleeping since you were smart enough to take 11 ams. This is definitely one of the WORST parts of college dorm life!

The Best:

6. So many new friends

You meet so many people its almost impossible to remember all of their names. All your new friends are right down the hall or only an elevator ride away. You also now automatically have at least 5 people to binge watch your favorite shows with. If you ask me, this is definitely one of the best of the best when it comes to college dorm life.

7. Everyone stays up late

Monday night, no homework, and no class till 11 am? Someone somewhere in your building of 400+ people will be awake so no worries if your up late and bored, people are always hanging out no matter what.

See Also

8. Someone will always have whatever you need

Need a stapler? The girl in the room next to you has one. Need a jersey for that frat party? Boys down the hall have you covered. Literally anything you need, just text your floors group chat or go knock on doors and you’ll get what you need in like 10 minutes tops.

9. Your roommate is your new best friend

Odds are your gonna get along with your roommate and hopefully not just get along but become great friends! Who else better to bring you gatorade in the morning after a long night out and talk to about Chad from Sigma Apple Pie?

10. No curfew and no rules on who can come over

Been out partying late or just hanging out in another dorm? No problem. Come back to your dorm at 4 am and still check in your friends and theres no questions asked and no parents telling you to go to bed.

What do you think are the best and worst parts of college dorm life? Let us know in the comment section below!

Featured Image Source: www.

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