Bags. Bags, bags, bags.
Bags are absolutely a fantastic accessory, and an important part of any wardrobe. Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying everyone is supposed to be obsessed with bags or anything of the sort (although I, admittedly, am, so I don’t think it’s a crime, either), and I don’t even think that anyone should have too many of them (but feel free to, obviously); however, even if you have just two bags that you combine with every outfit on Earth then they still should be pleasing to you in terms of both looks and convenience.
A lot of bags struggle to combine both, though. Some of the most convenient bags may at times look unpresentable… just a little… while some of the prettiest bags may at times be impossible to carry with you, either because you can’t fit anything into them, or because they’re just really inconveniently sewn together.
Well, worry not. I am obsessed with accessories – shoes and bags alike – and I have a rule to never sacrifice either looks or convenience, because I need things to look pretty and well-put together (it’s a habit), and because I always need my bags to allow me to carry stuff comfortably – I’m diabetic and I always need my meds.
Overall, that long introduction (that makes this article seem like one of those apple pie recipes you Googled up that end up talking about the author’s entire childhood backstory for ninety percent of the wordcount and about the actual recipe for the remaining ten percent) is there for no reason other than to tell you: here I am, recommending you the best bags out there, that you can wear both for the looks, and the comfort. Hooray!
The cozy, almost cuddly popular idea of the late 2019 fashion – bags covered with wool, or similar materials on the outer level, making them look and feel warm – is one of the new IT trends of this fall.
Specifically white (faux-) fur bag looks are the peak trend, but it isn’t a necessary limitation. Regardless of the colour, bags of this soft style are not only going to make your look pop with something specific and different that most people might not go for, but can also be of any shape – making them as big and spacious, or as small and accessory-like as you want.
No limitations!
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Tote bags have been in trend for a while, and have been very varied. Anything from multi-layered, multi-pocketed complex totes, to see-through vinyl totes, to simple, inexpensive canvas totes with pretty prints works, and can go with any outfit as long as you desire to make them.
Some publications (coughs) may try to slander totes, but don’t listen to them – they’re convenient, easy to maintain, and come in such a variety of designs that they will soon become irreplaceable parts of your daily get-go if you let them in.
Totes can come from anywhere, be they from your university (and I don’t know about the US, but here in the UK all universities will provide you with cheap, and sometimes even free tote bags with university lables), or from expensive brands, like Dior.
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Crocodile and other snakeskin design leather are coming back again, as successful and rich-looking as ever.
This leather design is hitting the shoe department, too, but it’s always more prominent re: bags, and we’re here to talk about bags anyway.
Real leather is kind of not my thing over here, personally – I don’t know about you, but I’m just not a big fan of the idea of wearing body parts – but even if you’re like me it doesn’t mean that you have to give up pretty designs anyway. Faux-fur and fake leather all exist, and are all as lively and sprightly as ever.
In addition, real exotic leather (especially from expensive brands) can reach ridiculous prices. Case in point:
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Not always the most convenient design depending on what you intend to carry, but sometimes an absolute life-saver, netted bags have been in for a while, and will stay so.
They’re really, frankly, only inconvenient if a) the holes in a bag are way too big and you can only carry giant bottles in it without them falling out, or b) if you carry too many tiny items (like, say, little jewelry, erasers or god knows what else) loosely without a small purse, where no matter how small the net is it won’t help.
Otherwise, net bags have all the benefits of totes – come at a multitude of price-points, in a multitude of designs, and are easy to maintain and make work – while also having that special, holey pizzazz that will give your look something unique.
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The triumphant return.
I’m twenty-two years old, and ever since I’ve been a kid, I’ve seen crossbody bags go in and out of trend several times; at least, like, three.
That’s really neither bad nor good: if you maintain your accessories well then it’ll mean you can jump back onto the trends bandwagon without spending money again, and it also means that people recognise just how goddamn comfy and convenient these things are for them to keep coming back.
Crossbody-s are pretty, and you can combine a number of trends with them – from getting fluffy crossbody bags, to getting crocodile crossbody bags your options are pretty much limitless, as long as the strap doesn’t hurt your shoulder (and beware, chain straps really do hurt both your shoulders and your collarbones, sadly).
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