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15 Thanksgiving GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up The Holiday

Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, so it’s time to bring out the fun and relatable Thanksgiving GIFs! After all, what’s the holiday without a little humor? Whether you come from a large family or a small family, you’ll find something that’s perfectly relatable and guaranteed to make you giggle.

1. When you wake up and remember that today is Thanksgiving

There’s nothing better than waking up in the morning and realizing that it’s Thanksgiving Day! This Thanksgiving GIF is probably the best way to describe your feelings on Thanksgiving morning. Your family might have already begun prepping for dinner, or they could be preparing a special Thanksgiving breakfast. Either way, smelling the good food and anticipating the full Thanksgiving feast is one way to get you pumped.

2. When you ask your parents what they’re cooking for Thanksgiving

A little of this, a little of that. You name it, and it’s going on the plate! This is one of those Thanksgiving GIFs that will honestly never get old! The bigger your family, the more options there are to choose from, and the happier your tummy will be.

3. How you look at your Thanksgiving meal before you eat it

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes. The options are endless, and you’re ready to throw it all on your plate! If this Thanksgiving GIF doesn’t describe how you look at your food before you dig in, is it really a Thanksgiving dinner? You’ve likely been thinking about what you want to eat since you woke up, so the anticipation is already killing you.

4. When you’ve already prepared for the amount of food you’re about to eat

This is one of those Thanksgiving GIFs that speaks for itself! You already know you’re about to go all out at your Thanksgiving dinner, so you made sure to come prepared with stretchy clothing.

5. How you feel after a big Thanksgiving meal

This Thanksgiving GIF is hilarious because of how accurate it is. You’ve had quite the feast, and now you’re ready for a nap. Let’s be honest, though. You deserve to sleep for the rest of the year after all that food!

6. When you know you stuffed yourself, but it was worth it

Here’s another hilarious and painfully accurate Thanksgiving GIF. You may have put on a little extra weight at your Thanksgiving dinner, but that apple pie was so worth it! No need to worry because, with a bit of perseverance, you’ll go back to your pre-Thanksgiving body in no time.

7. When you see that relative you haven’t seen since last Thanksgiving for the first time

If you have relatives who live out of town, you might expect to only see them on holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. That’s another reason why you love the holiday so much, because you get to see your favorite relative! There’s so much you need to catch up on, and this Thanksgiving GIF perfectly describes your excitement.

8. When you’re hungry and the person blessing the food is taking too long

We all have that ONE family member who wants to pray for every single person they know by name. But when you haven’t eaten anything since noon because you tried to save some room for the full Thanksgiving feast, all you can think about is chowing down. This Thanksgiving GIF perfectly sums up how you’re feeling. Whatever happened to short and sweet prayers like “God is great, and God is good, let us thank Him for our food; By His blessings we are fed, Give us Lord, our daily bread. Amen”?

9. When you’re on Thanksgiving break from college and relatives start asking about your love life

How relatable is this Thanksgiving GIF? It’s the question we all dread hearing when we come home from college on holiday break: do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend yet? What’s even worse is when your parents start telling you that they want grandchildren soon! Excuse me, but I to college to get an education, not to find love!

10. For the pet parents during Thanksgiving

If you’re a cat owner, you understand how much your little fur baby enjoys climbing on the tables. Most of the time, you don’t mind. It’s an entirely different story when you’ve spent hours slaving over a hot stove cooking a large Thanksgiving meal. Sorry, cat, but you’re going to have to take that elsewhere!

See Also

11. That one family member who loves to drink

There’s always that one family member who brings all the wines, liquors, or beer to the Thanksgiving dinner. And there’s always that one family member who drinks just a little bit too much at the dinner. What’s a great Thanksgiving dinner without a few tipsy relatives anyway? This Thanksgiving GIF is perfect for those who love to drink!

12. When you’re having too much fun prepping the meal

If you’re going to be in the kitchen all day making food, you might as well do what you can to make it enjoyable. Blast some of your favorite holiday songs on the radio and dance like no one’s watching like in this Thanksgiving GIF. Your Thanksgiving dinner might be even better because of the amount of joy and love you put into it while making it!

13. When someone undercooks the food, but you don’t want to be rude

When the one person in your family who can’t cook insists on making a meal for the Thanksgiving dinner, you don’t want to be rude and say tell them no. Go ahead and taste it to make them feel good. If the food is really that bad, there’s no harm in gently telling them how they could make the dish better next year!

14. When you keep checking to see how long until the turkey is fully cooked

Turkeys can take several hours to cook, and the bigger the turkey, the longer it takes. When it’s your very first time making a turkey for Thanksgiving, you might learn that the hard way. Sometimes, you might even get impatient and keep checking to see if the turkey is fully cooked like in this hilarious Thanksgiving GIF!

15. When you’re happy to be around the people you love

Arguably, one of the best things about Thanksgiving is having all your loved ones come together and feast in one room. There’s nothing better than being with the people who you’re grateful to call family.

Out of all the Thanksgiving GIFs, which one did you relate to the most? Leave your comments below!
Latasha Brown

Hi, I'm Latasha! I was born and raised in sunny South Florida and graduated from Florida Atlantic University in 2018. I have my bachelor's degree in English with a concentration in writing and rhetoric. I'm also planning to go back to school to get my MFA in creative writing in the near future. I consider myself to be a storyteller, and I love writing and blogging about lifestyle-related topics. My ultimate goal is to become a published author.

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