
Guitar Center Discounts

Playing music instruments has enhanced my life and broadened my horizons more than I ever…

Get a PC For a Discount At Lenovo

Lenovo is a relatively new PC brand that started selling computers in 2004, though the…

Picking the Right Laptop for College (Mac vs PC vs Tablet)

In this day and age, any PC, Mac, or tablet will be good enough to…

Sell Your Old Electronics

Looking for ways to get a few extra dollars to spend this summer without having…

Save On Your Wireless Bill

Picking a wireless plan can be pretty difficult, especially when it starts to get all…

Get those viruses off your computer with studentrate! Studentrate offers discounts like you wouldn't believe, so try these software programs for cheap!
Secure Your Computer from Viruses and Identity Theft

Going on the internet can be a dangerous game. You have to be careful not…

College Decision: Mac or PC?

There are so many decisions to make before you head to college: do I want…

Lenovo Love

Our friends at Lenovo are loving Studentrate this year! With an exclusive 4 day sale,…

iPhone vs. Samsung Galaxy S III

iPhone vs Samsung Galaxy S III – Part I What is all the hub bub…

Must Have iPad Accessories

Smart Cover:  The case contains two separate parts to not only protect your iPad for…