UNH – lifestyle

5 Things Only a Tall Girl at UNH Understands

5 Things Only a Tall Girl at UNH Understands

Being a tall guy at UNH is great, but being a tall girl at UNH is an entirely different story. Keep…

6 months ago

15 Stages of Binge Watching Netflix

Watching a full season (or an entire series) on Netflix can take a lot out of you.  Your emotions are thrown…

6 months ago

7 Things Our Parents Didn’t Worry About In College

How many times have you heard the phrase “things just aren’t like they used to be” or “back in my…

8 months ago

How To Find The Right Guy For You

Now, you may have opened this article hoping it was the master cheat-sheet check-list to help you on how to…

8 months ago

8 Reasons Why Mom Will Always Be My Style Icon

Our mothers are from all different time periods. Whether she rocked the 80s or was a hippie in the 70s,…

8 months ago

15 Struggles Every Transfer Student Faces at UNH

You think freshman year is hard? Try being a transfer student and having to go through that awkward-where-the-hell-am-I phase twice.…

8 months ago

The Stages of Formal Preparation

Oh it’s the most wonderful time of the semester! Formal season is finally upon us. Which means that formal preparation…

8 months ago

8 Things Only Fitbit Owners Understand

All dedicated Fitbit owners know how life changing these little gadgets can be. You wouldn’t think a fitness tracker could…

8 months ago

What Happens When You Go To College With Your Hometown

It took me (literally) until the last day possible to decide what college I was going to go to. I was the…

8 months ago

The Struggles of Eating Gluten Free in College

There are a lot of things to worry about as a college student; homework, exams, social life, your laundry that’s…

10 months ago