transferring schools

The Colleges With High Acceptance Rates All Potential Students Need To Know About

The Colleges With High Acceptance Rates All Potential Students Need To Know About

If you're in high school, it's time to start looking at colleges to apply to especially colleges with high acceptance…

5 years ago

10 Things To Do Before You Decide To Transfer Schools

Transferring to a different school may seem like a difficult and slightly daunting time in your life. There’s a lot…

6 years ago

10 Things To Do Before Transferring Schools

In our lives, there will always be a part where we'll need to transfer schools. It's a big change in…

6 years ago

10 Reasons Why You Should Transfer To Another College

Sometimes things in life don't go as we had hoped for - and that's okay! If you are stuck in…

7 years ago

10 Questions To Ask If You’re Thinking About Transferring

Transferring schools takes some serious guts. You are starting over for the second time since being an eighteen-year-old college freshman.…

7 years ago

10 Things Every Student Should Do Before They Transfer Schools

Transferring schools is a big decision. You are leaving behind friends and starting over AGAIN. It can be terrifying to…

7 years ago