Tinder dating

10 Ways To Meet People If You’re So Sick Of Dating Apps

10 Ways To Meet People If You’re So Sick Of Dating Apps

As someone who had to do Tinder for a while before finding the right guy, I know what it's like…

6 years ago

20 Blind Date Tips For Your Next Tinder Date

First dates are always nerve-wracking, but they are especially so when you’ve only interacted with the person behind a screen.…

6 years ago

7 Tinder Date Tips To Know Before Your First Date

Congrats, you've arranged your first tinder date. Tinder has received quite the reputation since its release in 2012. Tinder is…

7 years ago

The Truth About Using Tinder As Told By Mean Girls

  We have all used tinder at one point or another (if you haven’t, consider this article as a short…

7 years ago