student tips

7 Delicious On-The-Go Breakfast Recipes for Students

7 Delicious On-The-Go Breakfast Recipes for Students

Whether you commute or live on campus, there is one thing we all need to survive the morning routine: breakfast.…

8 months ago

5 Life Lessons Taught Best By Friends In College

There are just some lessons in life that are taught best by friends in college. Keep reading for the top 5…

8 months ago

10 Campus Hacks Every KSU Student Should Know

Keep reading for 10 campus hacks every KSU student should know! 1. Color code your notes. This hack is very important…

8 months ago

8 Questions You Have About Ohio University Housing: Answered

Thousands of questions about how to do that college thing normally remain unanswered when a student moves into his or…

8 months ago

The Pros and Cons of Living Off Campus

One of the toughest decisions an incoming university student has to make is to choose where they are going to…

8 months ago

How to Survive that Last Minute Paper

Procrastinators, rejoice! It’s 10 o’clock the day before your big essay for that class you can’t stand is due. All of…

8 months ago

20 Tips For Every Freshman at Grand Canyon University

So you’re coming to Lope Country… You made the right choice! GCU is the place to be. The community here…

8 months ago

5 Tips to Surviving Night Classes

It comes to us all in the end. Just as we dread morning classes, there is another that is equally…

9 months ago

How to Get Motivated When You’re Feeling Lazy

This winter hasn’t exactly been a snowy one, but I know it’s definitely been a lazy one. Cold seasons bring…

9 months ago

5 Tips to Find a Date for Formal

The death that is trying to find a date to formals...Finding a formal date probably couldn’t become any harder as…

9 months ago