Expectation is synonymous to a free-flowing balloon, rising higher and higher unless interrupted by sharp points or objects that releases…
Senior year can bring a roller coaster of events and emotions. Luckily Olivia Pope from Scandal can "handle" all of…
Halloween is quickly approaching, and with busy schedules and fall semester midterms in the way, it’s unfortunately easy to forget…
Senior year can be an emotional roller coaster. Luckily there’s The Office to perfectly describe every emotion you may be…
Jane the Virgin is about a girl who gets accidentally artificially inseminated. Just by knowing this very detail, you can…
This letter for world peace is not meant to be politically charged, but rather it is for the everyman, for…
Dear Piers Morgan, “Stop being such an offensive, misogynistic brat and grow up – it isn’t cool, it’s pathetic.” Do…
Kanye West: a huge influencer of pop culture, and polarizer of families and friend groups. You either like him or hate…
As a young person, Pope Francis is one of my favorite people in a list that includes others like Beyoncé…
Being an English major is one of the best things, especially if you are somebody who reads or writes as…