single in college

A Guide To Being Single At Kent State

A Guide To Being Single At Kent State

Where are all my ladies who are single at Kent State? Guys, too. No, but really. Being single is a…

3 months ago

8 Reasons To Stay Single at ESU

In a world that seems to be full of lovey-dovey couples, being single may make you feel like the odd…

6 months ago

Being Single In College VS Being Single IRL

Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson, and many of the other greats have gifted unto us incredible power ballads about being single. They…

10 months ago

Why Being Single In College Is Actually Kind Of Great

In college it seems like relationships are everything. Whether or not you’re in a relationship, you see them nearly everywhere.…

11 months ago

Pros and Cons of Staying Single in College

I've been single all eighteen years of my life, so I think I know a thing or two about being…

12 months ago

10 Reasons To Be Happy That You’re Single In College

It is a common sight on college campuses across the country. Two people are walking hand-in-hand or arm-and-arm across campus,…

6 years ago

20 Of The Most Annoying Things to Hear As A Single Girl

Whether you are choosing to be single or ready for your next relationship, being single can be awesome and don’t…

8 years ago