roommate advice

20 Questions For Your Roommate

20 Questions For Your Roommate

It is extremely important to get to know what kind of person your roommate is before you decide to live…

3 months ago

10 Steps to Successfully Find a Roommate on Facebook

“She showered once a month and never wore deodorant” are words that can haunt you forever. We have all heard…

9 months ago

How To Deal With A Bad College Roommate Without Going Insane

Ahhh a bad college roommate. Well, we've all been there. And if you can't relate, you're one of the lucky…

10 months ago

10 Ways To Help A Roommate Dealing With Mental Illness

Mental Illness is a tricky topic for people to understand. However, I feel a person begins to meet and learn…

6 years ago

10 Things To Look For In A Roommate

With college comes tons of exciting new things, including finding your first roommate! As summer roles around most people have…

7 years ago