
5 Places To Relax Around Kent

5 Places To Relax Around Kent

With the hustle and bustle of class, work, internships, and a social life in college, it’s sometimes hard to get…

5 months ago

10 Books To Read If You’re Stressed Out

Reading. It sounds like the complete opposite of what you should do to de-stress. After all, it is finals season…

8 months ago

How to Recover from Midterm Week

Midterms are always a stressful time for any college student. Whether you bomb your exams or you aced them, you…

1 year ago

How To Reduce Stress In College

Have a “me” day (or night) at least once a week In our busy school schedules, we often neglect ourselves.…

1 year ago

Top Yoga Positions

Yoga is a great way to exercise and unwind after a long day of work or school. There are so many…

1 year ago

The Best Places to Visit in Florida

Summer is here and your vacation needs planning! Florida has all the sunshine one could ever ask for. This state…

1 year ago

10 Reasons Why You Need To Get A Pedicure Today

Pedicures are a great way to treat yourself, and most of us don't get them often enough! Or, many people…

3 years ago

Here’s The Best Way To Relax Based On Your Zodiac Sign

After a long day, you're ready to come home, unwind, and relax. However, based on your horoscope, one person's method…

4 years ago

The 8 Most Relaxing Spas Around The World

Spas are a great way to get some extra downtime, relax, and escape from the busy loud world for just…

5 years ago

5 Face Masks That Are Both Relaxing And Effective

Face masks are the perfect way to sit down, relax, and take care of your skin. They're not only a…

5 years ago