relationship tips

20 Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend To Get To Know Her

20 Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend To Get To Know Her

Dating someone new can be really scary whether it's your first real relationship or you're just getting over a bad…

6 years ago

Why Having A Normal Relationship Never Works

We're all held to the expectation that eventually we have to commit ourselves to a normal relationship with another companion.…

6 years ago

10 Sexual Health Myths Truths and Scares

For only a three-letter word, sex sure conjures up a whole lot of emotions. Whether it gets you hot under…

7 years ago

Why Are You Staying With A Cheater?

I have always believed that despite the infamous, 'black or white' terms in which people define relationships; the grey areas…

7 years ago

10 Hookup Tips You Should Already Know

Everyone could use some hookup tips - but these should be things you already know truthfully. You all know how…

7 years ago

Why Fuckboy Season Is Going On Right Now

I've identified a whole new season closely related to both cuffing and breakup season; fuckboy season. You’ve probably heard of…

7 years ago

10 Dating Truths You Wish You Knew As A Freshman

Dating truths can be hard to learn. I hate to say it by my high school years are over. In…

7 years ago

7 Things You Should NEVER Post On Social Media About Your Relationship

There are things you should never post on social media; remember when Kim Kardashian got robbed in Paris after showing…

7 years ago

10 Tips To Make Sure You’re Never Emotionally Taken Advantage Of

Jen Sincero nailed it in You are a Badass when she said, "Your life is your party. You get to choose…

7 years ago

15 Signs She’s The One

Being a college student, you sometimes can feel the pressure of needing to find that perfect someone who you can…

7 years ago