
My Grown Up Thoughts On What It’s Like Being Adopted

My Grown Up Thoughts On What It’s Like Being Adopted

When I was 18 months old I was given up for adoption. My biological mother at the time was a…

10 months ago

My Tinder Horror Story

Before I get into my awful experience with Tinder, I want to give a little background with my usage of…

12 months ago

My Experience with Depression

Imagine living a life feeling this constant heaviness on your heart, fearful for the next day, and wanting to end…

12 months ago

My Experience with Bullying

For me, it was middle school. For others, it's high school or college. What exactly is the cutoff for bullying?…

1 year ago

Diabetes Awareness: A Personal Story

There is life before diabetes, and then there is life after. I don’t remember much of the “before,” but boy…

1 year ago

What I Learned From My Long Distance Relationship

Okay, let’s clear the air here, take a breather. If your long distance relationship is struggling it certainly doesn't mean your…

1 year ago

Bullying: It Can Happen to Anyone

It doesn't discriminate, it doesn't care if you are male or female, a loner or captain of the cheer squad,…

1 year ago

10 Reasons to Stay Single Freshman Year

Being a freshman in college means a lot of changes in your life. Living by yourself, meeting new people, starting…

1 year ago

How To Act Confident When You Aren’t

Confidence seems like something you either come into or you don't. Most of us fall into the latter category of…

4 years ago

Start Living For Yourself, Stop Living For Others

I can't speak for all of us, obviously, but I can say so for the many: we often overlook ourselves and our…

5 years ago