
What Would These Celebrities Study If They Went to NYU?

What Would These Celebrities Study If They Went to NYU?

1. Barack Obama If he weren't out there being the (former) president of the United States, Obama would probably be…

6 years ago

10 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re A Broadcast Journalism Major

A broadcast journalism major isn’t something you see every day on campus. Usually anything dealing with the news will be…

6 years ago

Popular College Majors As Described By GIFs

Your college major says something about you. Within each major, you can find a group of people that exhibit those…

6 years ago

5 Majors You Didn’t Know Existed At UConn

UCONN is well known major-wise for its business, engineering, nursing, and animal science programs. In fact, the University of Connecticut…

8 years ago

5 Benefits Of Being An Open Options Major At KSU

Through the use of majors, colleges prepare you to enter the job market understanding the qualifications, skill sets, and knowledge…

8 years ago