living in your hometown

12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up In Lake George, NY

12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up In Lake George, NY

I grew up in Lake George, NY, a small town in upstate New York town. It is known as the…

6 years ago

10 Memories Of Growing Up In Atlanta, Georgia

The memories are endless but to pick a top 10, these are the first that come to mind. Read on…

6 years ago

Here’s What It’s Like Having Two Hometowns

Growing up in rainy Seattle, Washington, it was clear to me that I didn’t need to go anywhere else. Seattle…

6 years ago

10 Pros Of Going To College In Your Hometown

While moving away to college can be exciting; staying in your hometown instead definitely has it's perks. While your friends…

7 years ago