Kent – Tips & Advice

23 Songs to Listen to During Finals

23 Songs to Listen to During Finals

Finals week is quickly approaching. It’s time to prepare for all-nighters, midnight Insomnia deliveries, and countless hours studying in isolation…

8 months ago

20 Times Mom Was Right

As we get older, the old saying “mother knows best” only becomes more and more annoyingly accurate. As much as…

9 months ago

10 Ways to Maximize Your Study Abroad Experience

1. Learn how to use the city’s public transportation. Every city has their own unique method of transportation; some are…

1 year ago

10 Things You NEED to Know Before Coming to Kent

Counting down the days until college move in day can be both exciting and nerve wracking. On one hand, you…

8 years ago

20 Hacks To Make Your Life Easier At Kent State University

Have you ever been stressed out by the simplest of things? When you are pressed for time during your first…

8 years ago

10 Things Every Kent State Girl Needs In Her Purse

If you’re like me, your backpack is your purse, but some girls like to keep it stylish and shoulder that…

8 years ago

10 Job Opportunities Around Kent

Imagine you are grabbing Dunkin’ Donuts between classes. You just finished your 7:45 geology lab and have a much needed…

8 years ago

50 Lifesaving Tips For Freshmen At Kent State

The life of freshmen at Kent State can get pretty hard. It’s the first time you are truly on your own and…

8 years ago

5 Awesome Tips For Organizing Your Closet

Organizing your closet and cleaning it out is truly a daunting task, but once you clear out the unnecessary items and…

8 years ago

What To Do If You Hate Your Major

My name is Kathryn Monsewicz, and I am a journalism major at Kent State University. Let me rephrase that: My…

8 years ago