James Madison University

10 Tips For The Perfect Tailgate At JMU

10 Tips For The Perfect Tailgate At JMU

IT’S GAME DAY! Fall semester at JMU means football frenzy. On Saturdays, thousands of JMU students, faculty, and fans come…

2 weeks ago

The Ultimate JMU Bucket List

If you go to JMU, there are some things you just have to do before you graduate. If you have…

2 months ago

11 Tips for FROG Week at JMU

1787 August Orientation, a.k.a. FROG Week, is probably the most fun, stressful, and informative week you will ever experience at…

3 months ago

20 Tips For Incoming JMU Freshmen

1. Don’t be afraid to talk to other people. The people in your hall, and maybe even in most of…

5 months ago

The 20 Best Tips For Freshman At James Madison University

Being accepted into college is such an exciting time! Especially at a University, where you will experience new adventures, friends,…

7 years ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To James Madison University

A year ago today, I found out something that would change my life forever - an acceptance letter to James…

7 years ago

10 Ways To Eat Better At JMU

Eating healthy in college is hard. From drinking to eating Chipotle literally all the time...temptations are all over the place.…

7 years ago

20 Signs You’re From Prince William County

We can all agree that Prince William County is unique in it's own way. Whether you have lived here your whole…

7 years ago

20 Signs You’re From Virginia Beach

Those of you who were born, raised, or even just lived by King Neptune periodically, can testify- Virginia Beach is it’s…

7 years ago

20 Signs You Grew Up In NOVA

Growing up in Northern Virginia is an experience in itself; and you really won't be able to understand it unless…

7 years ago