
15 Of The Most Embarrassing Things Parents Do

15 Of The Most Embarrassing Things Parents Do

Parents basically live to embarrass you, it might even be the sole reason for their existence. But in the end,…

4 months ago

20 Signs You Grew Up With Only Brothers

Ahhh brothers, you can’t live with them, and definitely can’t live without them. If you grew up as the sole sister…

4 months ago

10 Signs You Are (Or Used To Be) A Server

Working in the service industry is a lovely thing, or at least it can be (the nights when you walk…

5 months ago

20 Signs You’re Completely Obsessed With Dogs

1. You constantly share dog videos on Facebook. In fact, you share so many dog videos that people have probably…

5 months ago

10 Reasons Schmidt from ‘New Girl’ Is The Perfect Formal Date

Formal season is in full swing on college campuses across the nation, which means girls everywhere are on the hunt…

6 months ago

20 Things Only Mothers Understand

Motherhood is a secret society and there are just things only mothers understand. We are bonded through experiences. Fellow moms, I…

6 months ago

20 Things You Only Understand If You Dye Your Hair

1. Constantly having your own friends walk right past you. And it isn't until they stop and stare at your face that they…

7 months ago

20 Things Only Procrastinators Understand

1. Starting every project thinking, "this time will be different." 2. Then noticing Netflix minimized in the bottom corner of your…

7 months ago

10 Adult Jokes You Missed in Your Favorite Childhood Shows/Movies

Remember the classics Beauty & The Beast and Aladdin? Or our favorites Shrek and Scooby Doo? They were our favorites…

8 months ago

15 Life Lessons We Learned From “Friends”

1. At some point in life, you can't rely on your parent’s finances anymore. 2. But you can always rely…

11 months ago