hometown advice

What Happens When You Go To College With Your Hometown

What Happens When You Go To College With Your Hometown

It took me (literally) until the last day possible to decide what college I was going to go to. I was the…

8 months ago

12 Things You Only Understand If You Grew Up In Lake George, NY

I grew up in Lake George, NY, a small town in upstate New York town. It is known as the…

6 years ago

Here’s What It’s Like Having Two Hometowns

Growing up in rainy Seattle, Washington, it was clear to me that I didn’t need to go anywhere else. Seattle…

6 years ago

16 Signs You’re From the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago

Family members love to make fun of your nasally inflection, Portillo’s is a way of life, and Stevenson High School…

7 years ago