
My Top 5 Tips To My Skincare Routine

My Top 5 Tips To My Skincare Routine

There is nothing wrong with wanting a little gloss and shine, baby smooth skin on a daily basis. The goal…

5 years ago

20 Mistakes Every Valdosta State University Freshman Makes

So you've finally been accepted into Valdosta State University? Whether you're traveling from overseas or just a few hours away,…

6 years ago

10 Healthy Salad Recipes To Get Your Body Ready For Spring Break

Once the snow melts and the breeze turns from a frigid wind into a sun-induced warmth, we tend to panic…

6 years ago

10 Secrets No One Tells You About Your Skin

One of the biggest lies in the industry is having "perfect skin." Your skin is already perfect, and with these…

6 years ago

Adult Capri Suns (Vodka Lemonade) Recipe

Capri Suns were the best as a kid. They come in a pouch, they're delicious, and all you have to…

7 years ago