
7 Tips to Make the Most of Seminole Sensation Week at FSU

7 Tips to Make the Most of Seminole Sensation Week at FSU

The big day is finally here! You've done all your dorm room shopping, you have all those wonderful school supplies, including…

3 months ago

4 Things Every SJU Student Should Experience

St. John's University offers a large number of activities to its students, but some of these activities (in my humble…

6 months ago

10 Feelings Out of State Students Have at SJU

When I first decided that I wanted to go to a school out of state, my entire family thought that…

6 months ago

5 Tips Every College Freshman Should Know

So you just graduated from high school and the next stage in your life is college. You’re a FRESHMAN. That…

1 year ago

The Benefits of Having a Part-Time Job in High School

Sure, you might think having a part-time job while you’re in high school will be challenging, and I’m not saying it…

1 year ago

How to Write Your First Resume

As a college sophomore, I can already tell you that having a resume is probably one of the most essential things…

1 year ago

Things You’ll Regret Not Doing In College

1. Living in a dorm your freshman year. Whether dorms are amazing at your school or not, living in a…

1 year ago

10 Things Students Do But Will Never Admit

For many of us, going to college marks our transition from incompetent kids to successful adults. We imagine ourselves becoming…

1 year ago

10 Tips For Getting A Great Internship

When I tell you I was stressed, I. Was. Stressed. My senior year and I couldn't find a college internship…

5 years ago

Things Every Freshman Experiences And How To Handle Them

The freshman experience is truly one for the books. Most of us are a new eighteen, its the first time…

5 years ago