college tips

10 Things To Do Daily To Boost Your GPA

Maintaining a GPA isn't easy. And if you do think it is easy, you are one of the extremely select…

1 month ago
15 Things Incoming Freshmen NEED To Hear

15 Things Incoming Freshmen NEED To Hear

As a sophomore in college (I guess I’m getting pretty old, huh??) I have some words of advice for those…

1 month ago

10 Things I Learned As A Fredonia State Freshman

Freshman year is both exciting and intimidating. I am so happy that I decided to choose Fredonia State to embrace…

3 months ago

20 Questions For Your Roommate

It is extremely important to get to know what kind of person your roommate is before you decide to live…

3 months ago

10 Essentials Every Freshman Fashionista Needs

My first year at college, I wasn’t really sure what to bring in terms of makeup or clothes, so I…

3 months ago

10 Cute Date Ideas To Do Around Syracuse

College is the perfect time to meet new people and explore your options. Maybe you met someone and want to…

3 months ago

A Guide to Eating at Rutgers University

Besides studying and hanging out with friends, eating is a huge part of our day at school. We need the fuel to…

3 months ago

The Ultimate UF Bucket List

Once you're a Gator, you're a Gator for life, and you're always proud of it. We carry our memories (or lack…

3 months ago

7 Tips for Adjusting to Freshman Year at Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech is a huge school. And by that I mean HUGE - the total undergraduate enrollment is around 24,000 students,…

3 months ago

10 Things That Actually Happen During Kent State Recruitment

Kent State recruitment is the happiest week of the year for sorority girls and PNMs. It's full of tears, joy,…

3 months ago