college students

A Day In The Life Of A UTK Student

A Day In The Life Of A UTK Student

Everybody knows that when you go to an iconic school, you pick up a lot of their traditions and little…

1 week ago

12 Ways Philadelphia Is Perfect For College Students

Philadelphia is an amazing city, period. Although I have only been there for just an academic year, I definitely fell…

2 weeks ago

10 Types Of People You’ll Meet At ESU

ESU has a great variety of people, and chances are you have witnessed many different characters, whether it be on…

3 weeks ago

10 Signs You’re Not a Freshman Anymore

Because sometimes we need a little reminder about how much we’ve changed since the first day we got to campus…Keep…

1 month ago

20 People Who Have a Worse Roommate Than You Do

Have you ever wondered if your roommate is really all that bad? For some people, they do wonder. As we…

1 month ago

45 Things To Make Your Life SO Much Easier In College

College life. It's not hard, per se, but it's also not a walk in the park. Whether it's your first…

2 months ago

20 Hilarious Things College Students Do When They’re Broke AF

As broke college students, we've come to learn how to get by using the resources we have, and implementing some tricky…

3 months ago

20 Struggles Only Commuter Students Understand

Commuting to school, whether it be every day or every other day, can be a real drag. The struggle is…

4 months ago

10 Questions Parents Should Stop Asking College Students

Any other college student hate when their parents bombard them with questions whenever we come home for break, or even…

4 months ago

10 Times Drake and Josh Perfectly Summed Up College Life

Now that second semester has come to a close and all that is left to do is reflect upon the past…

7 months ago