college relationships

Tips for Having a College Relationship

Tips for Having a College Relationship

Many people enter into a college relationship thinking that this will be the person they will end up with. But…

1 year ago

How to Get Over a College Breakup

It seems that when the fall season rolls around, two things are for sure to bombard the college scene: pumpkin…

1 year ago

The Pros and Cons of “Making the First Move”

The Pros It's a confidence booster There’s no feeling like it. You finally get the courage to talk to someone…

1 year ago

10 Reasons to Stay Single Freshman Year

Being a freshman in college means a lot of changes in your life. Living by yourself, meeting new people, starting…

1 year ago

The Problem with the College Hookup Culture

I was going to begin writing this blog explaining all of the many reasons why remaining single freshman year of…

1 year ago

The College Hookup: A Female Perspective

The perception of women involved in the college hookup scene is nothing but an unfortunate double standard. A girl who…

1 year ago

5 Reasons To Have A One Night Stand

A one night stand is usually defined as a sexual relationship lasting only one night. But let’s just call it…

1 year ago

How I Accepted My Fear of Commitment

Growing up we all had this perfect image in our mind of true love. One day, our prince would whisk…

1 year ago

7 Dating Red Flags: Signs He’s a Bad Date

Whether you met in coffee shop or started talking on Tinder-- let’s face it, it was probably Tinder—college is a…

1 year ago

Cheap Date Night Ideas For Troy University Students

It's a well-known fact that college students are always on a tight budget, but that doesn't mean we can't have…

5 years ago