college freshmen

10 Tips To Survive Your First Week Of College

Sure, starting college is exciting, but it's also scary as hell. The way you begin your semester will set the tone…

3 months ago
10 IWU Hacks To Make Your Life Easier

10 IWU Hacks To Make Your Life Easier

Summer is halfway over and although you are not ready to let go of beach days and family barbecues, you…

4 months ago

10 Things You Must Do Before You Get To College

Going from high school to college is a big change. In order to make the transition a little bit easier, I've rounded…

7 months ago

15 Dorm Items You Didn’t Know You Needed

Who would have thought that college could be stressful before you even step foot on campus?! Planning out which dorm…

7 months ago

10 Tips for CSUN Orientation

Congratulations! You are officially in a "committed" relationship with college. Now, what...? CSUN's New Student Orientation, of course! Before you leap into…

7 months ago

10 Sex Tips For College Freshmen

Going into college your freshman year can be more ways than one. Here are some sex tips for college…

9 months ago

15 Things To Do Before Choosing A College

It is important to feel comfortable at a college before you accept your invitation and make your first payment. But…

11 months ago

20 Things All College Freshmen Need To Know

1. Go to class. Do not waste the money that is assisting you to attend school - this could be…

11 months ago

Tips Every Ohio University Freshman Should Know

Dear Little Bobcat, So I hear you’re going to be one of the Ohio University freshmen next year. I’m a little…

11 months ago

10 Reasons Why You Should Go To the University of Iowa

Some may not think the University of Iowa sounds as trendy or as dreamy as schools surrounded by the skyscrapers of…

12 months ago