
The Guide To Being Single At Virginia Tech

The Guide To Being Single At Virginia Tech

Maybe you’ve just gotten out of a high school relationship or maybe you’ve never dated anyone in your life. Maybe…

4 months ago

7 Things NOT To Do In A New Relationship

We all have that one friend who can't seem to hold onto a guy for more than five minutes (or…

7 months ago

The Year of the Fuqboi: How to Deal With the Modern Day John Tucker

As 2015 comes to a close, it is time for us to reflect on the decisions that we all made,…

1 year ago

Best First Date Spots To Avoid Awkward Silence Moments

First dates are the worst. Picking a first date spot is hard. Walking into a space and knowing you're both…

5 years ago

8 Fictional Characters We Wish We Could Be BFFs With

There is nothing more upsetting than watching a film/series or reading a book and remembering that the characters aren't real.…

5 years ago

Your Friendship Style, According To Your Zodiac

You can tell a lot about a person by who their friends are, but finding the perfect friendship match can…

5 years ago

The Pros And Cons Of Trying Online Dating

Online dating; it is the easiest and most convenient way of meeting people in today's era! Let's be honest, it…

5 years ago

10 Signs You Are Likely Dealing With A Player

Unfortunately in today's society, it is really hard to find good, genuine guys. It happens to the best of us;…

5 years ago

Here Are 10 Kinds Of Boys You Dated Throughout College

Let's be honest, there are many different kinds of people. Engaging in new relationships is a fantastic way to figure…

5 years ago

5 Totally Sexy Clothing Items All Men Should Own

Men's fashion is something that is not normalized by our generation, however, with these 5 totally sexy clothing items all…

5 years ago