before college

10 Things To Do Before Ohio University Move In day

10 Things To Do Before Ohio University Move In day

Starting college is a bit like entering a new life. Before you head off to Ohio University in the fall, you…

4 months ago

10 Things I Wish Someone Taught Me Before Going To College

I was the type of person who flew into college just wanting to escape high school, knowing that there were bigger…

9 months ago

15 Things To Do Before Choosing A College

It is important to feel comfortable at a college before you accept your invitation and make your first payment. But…

11 months ago

5 Scary Things High School Teachers Told Us Would Happen In College That Never Actually Happened

College can be scary and pretty darn stressful. Especially if you're not even in college yet and just in high…

5 years ago

What I Wish I Knew Before College That You Should Know

When I started college I thought I had it all figured out - as far as the next four years…

5 years ago

20 Reasons Not to Stress About College Before You Get There

After months of studying, applying, crying and repeating, the high school graduating class of 2017 has finally made it. After…

7 years ago

15 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started The College Process

Before entering college it is easy to fall in the slide of "senioritis", but there are a few more things…

7 years ago

10 Things Every Dad Should Teach His Daughter Before College

Along with the millions of other need-to-knows before leaving for college, there are other important things to know and remember,…

7 years ago

What Every High Schooler Should Know Before College

High school.  You may love it or you may hate it.  After high school, you have several decisions to make,…

7 years ago