Food & Drink

10 Super Bowl Food Recipes That Are A Touchdown

The football is not the only exciting part of Super Bowl Sunday. Whether you’re attending a party, or hosting one of your own, the food is the most important part to keep your guests energized and ready to cheer on their favorite team (or whatever bandwagon they’re jumping on). Super Bowl food recipes are abundant, and there’s always something for every one of your guests to nibble on between sips of beers and booze! You’ll be scoring touchdown after touchdown with your guests when you make these 10 Super Bowl food recipes.

Homemade Soft Pretzel Pretzel Bites

Chewy, salty, bite-sized pretzels are always a fan favorite. The enticing smell of soft pretzels (like when you’re shopping at the mall) is enough to make anyone drool. This Super Bowl food recipe will for sure be a hit with any crowd, and can easily soak up the abundance of booze in your guests bellies!

Loaded Tator Tot Skewers

A bar classic that can’t be beat: tator tots. The crunchy tots smothered in cheesy, bacon goodness will have your crowd cheering even after the touchdowns. For a shareable Super Bowl food recipe, these tator tot skewers will earn a #1 ranking.

Caprese Pasta Salad

For a lighter option opposed to everything fried, salty, and loaded with ranch, a cold pasta salad is just the perfect option! Mozzarella and tomato make for a perfect counterpart in this Super Bowl food recipe, and your guests will appreciate something light to offset the chips and dips.

Garlic Parmesan Chicken Wings

Football and wings go hand in hand. A Super Bowl party wouldn’t be complete without some type of chicken wing option on the party table. Forget the mess of BBQ or hot sauce, and instead, treat your guest to yummy garlic parmesan chicken wings. The Super Bowl food recipe will be the champion of all party foods.

Touchdown Taco Cups

Chips and dip always have an automatic invite to any Super Bowl party. Taco dip is no different! Instead o having your guest balance a wobbly plate full of dips, wings, and skewers, make it easier for them to enjoy with one of these super cute Super bowl food recipes.

Italian Pinwheels

Sub sandwiches can often times be messy, but they’re the perfect crowd pleasure. Super Bowl food recipes that make your crowd cheer with excitement include those that are bite-sized and easy to eat! Italian pinwheels make for the perfect snack so your guests aren’t tearing into subs and making a mess while eyes are glued to the TV.

Ham & Swiss Sliders

Sliders rank supreme when it comparison to other Super Bowl food recipes. Their ability to occupy a small space while being able to cheer on your team is a win-win. Ham & Swiss sliders are a delicious combination to pair with any side dish.

See Also

Jalapeno Popper Dip

As Super Bowl food recipes go, some things are essential: wings, subs, chips, & poppers. Making and preparing frozen poppers are sufficient, however, nothing compares to the creamy, spicy, delicious taste of a homemade, fresh jalapeno popper. Don’t fret, this jalapeno popper dip is the perfect alternative to replicating the amazing spicy, creamy taste.

Buffalo Chicken Dip

The dip of all dips. Super Bowl food recipes will be crying in defeat after your crowd goes crazy after this buffalo chicken dip. Your guest might have their eyes glued to this dish more-so than the TV!

Cheesy Mini Pigs In a Blanket

The soft crescent roll blanketing a cheesy hot dog sounds like a winning combination. Super Bowl food recipes that are bite-sized are the true winners, as well! These mini pigs in a blanket are perfect for popping in your mouth between plays, and are easy to fill your plate with!

Whether your team wins or loses, you definitely will be a winner with these yummy Super Bowl food recipes.
Feature Image found on WeHeartIt.
Vanessa Passo

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