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10 Study Techniques To Try For Spring Midterms

10 Study Techniques To Try For Spring Midterms

Do you have study techniques you use for spring midterms? If not, then you can follow these new ideas if your studying method is not working. Here is a list of 10 study techniques you can try for the spring midterms that are coming up.

1. Start Studying for Midterms Early

If you start studying a week or two ahead of your midterm, you will never need to cram for midterms the night before the exam starts. You will almost always perform better by studying early.

If you keep studying for your midterms early, you will make a habit of it and that will help you later on with finals at the end of the semester. During this time, you can prioritize your time to study for your midterms this spring.


2. Prioritize Your Study Time

There are some midterm exams that will be more difficult than others, some of these midterms you may find easier to study for depending on the class. Some of these midterm exams may be worth more of your grade than other exams that you have taken for other classes. You should also make sure you evaluate all of your exams to determine whether you should study more or study less for classes.

3. Prepare a Study Schedule

Make a study schedule. By making a schedule you can spend more time studying for midterms when you schedule your studying for a few hours each day and night before spring midterms begin.

This method is one of the best study techniques to use when you need a schedule to list the required time per day. Also, make sure you study a little each night from now until the day of the midterm.


4. Do Not Skimp on Sleep

You might be tempted to pull an all-nighter, but your brain needs a good night’s sleep. Having enough sleep is the key to pass your midterms. The best way to improve your study techniques is to start studying with a healthy sleep routine in the weeks leading up to your midterm exam, so you can reap the benefits of a fresh mind for the midterms. However, if you do need help studying, there are tutors that are there for you when you need them.

5. Form a Study Group

If your note-taking skills are sub-par or you are not good at studying by yourself, it is a great idea to partner up with a classmate who has honed-in on this skill. In exchange for this arrangement, offer to help transfer their notes to flashcards or help them with a group project. Study groups can also help you study more efficiently by conquering a chapter outline, which can help all of you prepare for the midterms ahead.


6. Quiz Yourself over the Material

If you prefer to study alone instead of forming a study group, that is okay. If you can create actual exam questions, you are more likely to become more familiar with what you need to study by familiarizing yourself with the questions and answers that will be on the exam.

Unlike the other study techniques that have been discussed thus far, this studying technique requires a lot of foresight and excessive note-taking so you could draft potential exam questions and quiz yourself so that you can study for your midterms.


7. Take Practice Exams

Practice exams, if they are from previous years and from the same professor, gives you a general idea of what your upcoming midterms will look like and how difficult they will be based on the questions and answers that were given on the exam. Additionally, these practice tests are one of the few study techniques that will test your knowledge of the subjects/topics and what you still need to work on. While you are taking your practice exam, if it is possible, try to also take it in the actual exam room where you’ll be taking the test.

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8. Alternate Subjects/Topics to Study

When the midterm season comes, different study techniques follow. For students who have to study for multiple exams in different classes in a short span of time.


Instead of focusing and putting all of your knowledge in one subject or topic before moving onto something else, you should mix up the subject matter. This is one of the few study techniques that are similar to the way you should always space out your study sessions, by alternating between subjects allows you to learn, forget and relearn information that helps long-term memory.

9. Eat snacks that are good for the brain

Eating certain foods while studying can help you retain your focus and keep you energized through a long night of studying. There are times where caffeinated beverages like coffee or an energy drink (Monster, Red Bull, etc.) can be tempting as well as junk food, and while all of these can give you a more immediate boost of energy, the effects will only have a short-term effect on your studying techniques.

According to brainMD, “Instead, opt for including protein and healthy fats in your snacks, which helps your brain function.”


Protein and healthy fat food examples, as described by brainMD, include apples and peanut butter, nuts such as almonds and cashews, and eggs (which could be prepared in any way you want). You could buy an almond or peanut bar at your college bookstore or you could also buy a bushel of apples or eat a can of mixed nuts while you are studying for your midterms.

10. Take a Few Breaks

You will not be able to memorize or comprehend all the material in a long process without one or two breaks a day to relieve your mind. This is one of the few studying techniques that offer you a short one- or two-hour break, then you can go back to studying for eight hours a day. This studying technique requires balance, unlike other study techniques, which is the key that ensures that you reward learning with break times to recharge and relax.

Do you see yourself using one or more of these study techniques for the upcoming spring midterms that are coming soon? If so, let us know in the comments below.