Categories: Family Life

10 Skills You Will Get If You Grow Up With Asian Parents

Living with Asian parents will definitely be different from living with Western parents. Different how? Here are 10 skills that you will learn if you grow up with Asian parents.

1. You Will Be An Expert At Using Chopsticks

Remember our mom started to teach us how to use chopsticks when we were just 5 years old. It might seem hard but it feels like it’s already in our blood. Growing up with Asian parents make you an expert in chopstick using.

2. You Will Be Able To Play One Musical Instrument, Commonly, Piano.

Our parents love music, and they will make sure that so do we. Besides the fact that they want us to be better than our peers by sending us to after-school classes, our parents will surely send us to music school as well. The popular musical instrument choice among them or either piano or violin.

3. You Will Be Able To Work Under Pressure

Yes, of course, we are very good at working under pressure. It is pretty clear that every Asian kid has experienced pressure when it comes to studying when we were kids. We have to start studying from 7 AM until 10 PM, or at some Asian countries like Korea, Japanese, or China, we have to study until 11 PM if we are in our high school. So yeah, we are tough growing up with Asian parents.

4. You Will Have A Really Good Listening Skill

This is a necessary skill that you will use in life later on, and luckily, most of us have learned this skill since we were kids. We always listen to our parents, understand what they mean and do not talk back if you don’t want to stand and cry in the corner.

5. You Can Cook

Especially if you are a girl growing up with Asian parents, you can cook. Most of us have to help our moms and grandmothers in the kitchen since we were 10. From small thing like picking up veggies till helping them to clean the fish. Yes, we have to learn how to clean fish, any kind of raw poultry and beef when we were 12.

6. You Have An Excellent Brain

Why? Cause you have to remember and tell 20 of your cousins, aunties, uncles apart. Asian households have so many people that you need to greet every single of them when you meet, uncle 1, 2, 3, aunty 1, 2, 3. Not only our relatives but also our dad or mom’s friends. Those are your aunty and uncle as well. The good thing is they always give you lucky money when they visit you sometimes.

7. You Can Dance To Your Traditional Dance

For many of us, if it’s not learning how to play music, will be learning how to dance. Normally it will be our traditional dance or ballet. No matter if you are gifted in dancing or not, we are quite sure that you remember going to a dancing class before.

See Also

8. For Boys, It’s Martial Arts

Yeah, it is a stereotype to think that we all know Kung Fu, not all of us know, but most of us we went to a martial art class before. Not only Kung Fu, but it can also be Taekwondo, Karate, or Aikido. Our Asian parents believe that boys need to be strong to protect the family, that’s why they send us to martial art classes after class.

9. You Will Learn How To Eat Everything

In Asia, you know we eat weird things, like chicken or pig’s feet, in some places we can eat spiders as well. But it doesn’t mean that we are all the same and we are weird. We learn how to adapt to life. And do not ask us if we eat dog or cat!

10. Finally, You Will Get The Skill Of “Appreciate Other People’s Work”

Besides listening to our parents say how much they sacrifice their lives for us, our culture really shapes us to become graceful about everything things that others do. But mainly, it’s our parents complaining about their sacrifice. However! You know that it’s true, don’t you?

Growing up with Asian parents might seem a little bit stressful since all you remember from your childhood mostly is studying, but besides that, you still have a lot of laughs and fun around your family. Is there any other memory and skill that you want to share with us? Let us know in the comment box below!

Feature Image Source:
Man Luu

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