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Signs You’re Self Sabotaging

Signs You’re Self Sabotaging

Self-sabotage is a critical component that stops us from achieving our goals by causing us to miss out on opportunities. Why do we self-sabotage, and how can we change those behaviors? At some point in our lives, we have done self-sabotaging without even realizing it, and as a result, it may have cost us dearly.  It impacts our lives, and it should be noted how to recognize those traits, behaviors, and thoughts to combat them. Destructive behavior undermines positive efforts and interferes with the goals we set in our daily lives. It creates problems in which we hinder ourselves, whether it be conscious or subconscious, to deliberately alter situations. Moreover, it is necessary to do away with this faulty conditioning and programming to not undermine future success, goals, and values. Here are some signs you’re self-sabotaging.  

Avoidance Trump’s Achievement 

We’ve all been there, the procrastination and the avoiding of new things, opportunities, or even people because of the anxiety and fear that comes with it. Each time you attempt to do better and gain back control to achieve those goals, you are seized by fear. You avoid those situations, feeding those negative aspects that are factors of self-sabotage. Thus further sabotaging your achievements and goals you set in place because you don’t want to feel that way. In the future, this only causes you to continue the negative cycle in which you try to avoid those distressing situations. The key is to be aware of the things that scare you by accepting that you are anxious about specific conditions and power through by also recognizing you are self-sabotaging. 


Change Is Inevitable 

Change is inevitable, and avoiding it will only prevent you from moving further for overall success. Not to say that being in your comfort zone is a bad thing, constantly being there is the problem because it leaves little option to explore with being completely overwhelmed and not knowing how to thrive in different situations than you are used to. Where will we be without risk-taking if we’re stuck in moments of our own familiarity? Fighting that change resisting it all together adds to your self-sabotaging. There could be no real growth if you solely stick to the comfort zone. You become complacent doing so, and it only puts you at a considerable disadvantage, and not being up to different challenges makes you miss further advancement. Change comes at some point, and it’s necessary to be ready and accept it to see those improvements and become a part of them. 

Conflict Is Chaos  

Creating conflict is definitely an attribute of self-sabotage. Have you ever felt unimportant, unmotivated, or have just started an argument because you thought things were too good to be true? If yes, then you have been self-sabotaging. Conflict is a significant part of self-sabotaging, and self-criticisms and other negatives are a part of it. It mainly occurs when you are at your happiest, and you suddenly feel that you don’t deserve it, and you start believing the negative perception you may have. If not taken notice of, this inner conflict eventually boils over until you actively make matters worse, thus portraying destructive behaviors. You may be familiar with starting a conflict with a friend, family member, or a relationship, etc. maybe you don’t even realize you’ve done it until you have had the argument or behaved in such a way that is unbecoming and is a companion of self-sabotage; nevertheless, those attributes directly conflict with your aim or purpose. So be aware of how you feel and how to effectively assert yourself without compromising who you are as a person and those emotions surrounding your viewpoints.    


Approval Is Overrated 

Seeking approval could be a bad thing and only can mean you are thing self-sabotaging. Soley doing things at another person’s behest to avoid being displaced and criticized instead of doing it because you genuinely want to will not do you any favors. If you find yourself really bothered about how people view you in the sense that you completely change yourself, you are also self-sabotaging. Things such as this cause stress and anxiety, and let’s not get into how it lessens confidence. It forces you to not focus on what truly matters to you because at the end of the day, who has to live with their experiences and the consequences that may come with it?  It is essential to address these issues and get in touch with your individuality to avoid self-sabotaging. 

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Making Excuses Is Easy 

Making excuses literally gets you nowhere. This type of behavior holds you back and acts as a preventative measure that keeps you from your success. When you start making excuses, it only delays you from what you hope to accomplish. There will always be a challenge or obstacle in your way, and postponing things adds to it the further away you get from starting. This is a significant cause of self-sabotaging that can only be helped and improved by identifying those excuses you make and breaking the cycle. Often we make excuses to justify why things don’t work out or why we haven’t achieved a goal and enabling ourselves by making excuses allows little development. Not taking responsibility and not owning up to our role in such little growth is unacceptable because it is an act of self-sabotage.  


At a certain point in our lives, we have all contributed to self-sabotage to an extent. Self-sabotaging causes us to rely on negative behaviors or habits that keep us from accomplishing goals and seeing the necessary improvements to reach that success. It keeps us powerless within our individual growth and ruins some opportunities. In the end, it’s best to take responsibility for our actions and be vigilant so we don’t portray traits of self-sabotage that decrease our chances of advancement in our lives as a whole. Do you think that you have a particular characteristic of self-sabotage? If so, what are they, and how have you been working on them to lessen them? Tell us, and don’t forget to comment and share your views. 

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